Monday, May 12, 2014


Former Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, has now written his book, as most retired politicos do as a vehicle for collecting millions in payback earned while in their posts.
In this one, he discloses further evidence of how the current White House occupants seek to distort news events, data and political positions to cover-up harmful truth’s or mislead the public in general.
Daniel Halper, in his blog in The Weekly Standard via Drudge, quotes from the new memoir, Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises,” as follows:
“I remember during one Roosevelt Room prep session before I appeared on the Sunday shows, I objected when Dan Pfeiffer wanted me to say Social Security didn’t contribute to the deficit. It wasn’t a main driver of our future deficits, but it did contribute. Pfeiffer said the line was a ‘dog whistle’ to the left, a phrase I had never heard before. He had to explain that the phrase was code to the Democratic base, signaling that we intended to protect Social Security.”
So, here’s another case where White House staffers employ pressure as envoys of the POTUS, to put politics and power retention ahead of the nation’s best interests. Which is why  it's now time to repeat that at present, Jimmy Carter has to be one of the happiest folks on the planet. Because although he was up to now the worst chief executive in the nation’s history, compared to the present incumbent, Carter was a world-class leader and statesman.
In other news, an Associated Press (AP)  article titled, “Hillary Clinton sees an airing of her political past as she mulls 2016 presidential run,” appeared on Fox News on-line this morning. 
In the column AP writes that, despite many negatives, “Yet many Democrats say reminders of the 1990s -- remember the booming economy? -- could help Clinton, and that rehashing her past more than two years before the next presidential election could dispense with a variety of distractions.” 
If a Republican challenger or a Democratic primary opponent invoked Lewinsky, Whitewater, cattle futures or other retro story lines in 2016, Clinton's team could try to dismiss it all as old news.
"For the majority of people, this is an eye roll," contended Maria  Cardona, a former Clinton campaign adviser."
However, whoever this Maria Cardona is, it’s likely she’s either shortsighted or not very well informed. Because, what all the combined historical events and current miscues of Bill Clinton’s wife clearly illustrate is a solid consistency in her complete incapability, coupled with total self-serviance. 
As far as the economy was concerned in Bill’s administration, its doubtful he knew the first thing about how it worked at all. Which is probably why he left economist Allan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Mr. Greenspan served in that capacity from 1987 to 2006, originally selected by Ronald Reagan, kept in office by George H. W. Bush, then Bill Clinton, and all the way to George W. Bush, as well. He retired five years after Clinton left office.
So, if you want to praise the Clinton economy, you have to give the credit to a conservative Republican who was the driving force stimulating and managing that economy throughout. 
On the other hand though, if you remove solid economic performance -which Bill’s wife has nothing to do with in any way shape or form whatsoever- from the equation, what’s left is continual evidence of poor judgment coupled with total incompetence.
As a practical matter, going back to the past is actually very important, because the passage of time doesn’t mean that there will be improvement, only solid evidence of positive growth and success can to that.
Which is why in this case, what’s obvious today is total consistency of incapability on the part of Bill Clinton’s wife. Because, back when he was in office there were scandals like the Lewinsky affair, Whitewater, and cattle futures to name a few that his wife was involved in, while today there’s Benghazi and Boko Haram on the negative side with not a one on the positive. 
Therefore, when push comes to shove, although the past should surely be used to set the framework displaying her administrative ineptitude, mentioning only the present will still clearly illustrate the incapability's of Bill Clinton’s wife.
That’s it for today folks.

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