Sunday, May 18, 2014


I rarely, if ever, pay attention to anything Press Secretary Jay Carney says whereas his commentary's so manufactured and biased it’s not only rarely true, but even the occasional factual statements sound like fabrications.

Then today, while searching a story on-line, I came across a link to a Carney interview back in April by a female CNN anchor who “expressed outrage over an obviously weak excuse for the gender pay gap that exists among White House staffers.”

Recently, the incumbent signed directives attempting to close the so-called gender pay gap, supposedly ensuring that women are paid the same as men for the same type of work.

However, according to the American Enterprise Institute, women who work in the administration get paid 88 cents for every dollar that men get paid.

When Carney was asked about that gap on CNN, he replied  yes, it exists but it’s still better than the national average of women getting paid 77 cents for every dollar.

At the end of the segment, the CNN host said she was “stunned” by the answer, but, the best response was found in the reader comments following the article where responder, Jimmy Hicks, wrote, “So,,, basically he's saying "Instead of smacking our women 5 times a day, we only smack them 4 times.”

And if that doesn’t pretty well sum up how this administration dodges issues, nothing does.

Then we come to today’s episode regarding Bill Clinton’s wife.

Fox News on-line reports that “Former Vice President Dick Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday” that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “bears responsibility” for the State Department’s chaotic handling of the Benghazi terrorist attacks in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.

“She was Secretary of State at the time that it happened -- she was one of the first in Washington to know about it,” Cheney said. “I think she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn’t do with respect to that crisis.”

Mr. Cheney concluded that, “I do think it’s a major issue. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of it yet.”

So, the beat goes on, and although Dick Cheney’s come under considerable negative pressure himself, there are many voters that regard him highly.

But the most important aspect of the issue is that it isn’t going to go away any time soon. And when added to all her other miscues, mistakes and indications of incompetence, Bill Clinton’s missus has an awful lot of explaining to do that her loyal backers might readily accept. 

Nonetheless, though, the other 60% of the voting public hasn’t drunk the Kool-Aid yet, and likely won’t which means that verifiable answers are needed which aren’t either Clinton’s strongest suit. So, if that’s truly the case, perhaps the younger female White House interns have a very good chance of staying safe after all.

That’s it for today folks.


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