I was advised by a reader yesterday to give the election results a rest, and to find other topics because "it's getting boring." And I was sorry to hear that because it hasn't been my intent to harp on the results from a political point of view, my focus has really been to question why anyone would continue to promote any kind of ideas that are spectacularly unpopular and feasibly moronic, such as typical Democrats do.
And despite my reader's suggestion that I move on to other stuff, I saw something this morning I wanted to pursue. Because when it comes to politics or governance, I'm certainly no expert. In fact, I'm not particularly inclined to lean in any particular way. I generally vote in favor of my safety and my wallet. But I do have this nagging question.
What is it that drives Democrats, and particularly liberals, to try to tear everything down? Why do they feel the need to make everyone equal and try to insure that the only power rests in the government? Why are they so uncertain of themselves that they seek leaders who'll tell them precisely what to do, when to do it, and how? And why do they see the equivalent of criminal action in anyone's success? Could it possibly be that liberals are the perfect personification of the adage that misery loves company? I just don't get it.
Beyond that, why is it that if individuals succeed in any way, liberals assume that those having the success must be crooked, yet they'll let their political idols rob them blind and then re-elect them? And in that way, unbelievable dunces and stooges have risen to enormous power and wealth in office while having done nothing productive ever in their lives.
And that brings me to my quandary for today. Because I read that the Democrats are up in arms over the presidents willingness to consider extending all the tax cuts, including those on the so-called rich. But what his party wants is more money in the hopper to blindly spend and fritter away. Because it's been apparent for many, many years now that driving the economy through innovation, productivity and the greasing of business wheels is verboten to liberals, the only thing that counts to them is taking from producers and giving to everyone else.
But the good news is that this group is getting smaller every cycle, and sooner or later will likely fade away completely. Because they're forcing the producers, movers and shakers underground, and they won't really show themselves again until it's safe to succeed without someone else's hand in their pocket. And by that time, it's likely all the liberals will have starved to death.
That's it for today folks.
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