Thursday, June 2, 2022


A couple of recent rays of light have appeared despite the darkness and gloom of Biden’s administration. Heidi Przybla reports, about a plan “as outlined by a Republican National Committee staffer in Michigan, includes utilizing rules designed to provide political balance among poll workers to install party-trained volunteers prepared to challenge voters at Democratic-majority polling places, developing a website to connect those workers to local lawyers and establishing a network of party-friendly district attorneys who could intervene to block vote counts at certain precincts”

In this way, the committee hopes to “rectify an imbalance in favor of Democratic election workers in large urban areas, particularly Detroit, a city that votes reliably Democratic by more than 90 percent. Just 170 of more than 5,400 Detroit election officials were Republicans in 2020, according to the RNC."

“Matthew Seifried, the RNC’s election integrity director for Michigan, “also said the RNC will hold “workshops” and equip poll workers with a hotline and website developed by Zendesk, a software support company used by online retailers, which will allow them to live-chat with party attorneys on Election Day. In a May 2022 training session, he said he’d achieved a goal set last winter: More than 5,600 individuals had signed up to be poll workers and, several days ago, he submitted an initial list of more than 850 names to the Detroit clerk.

“Democrat Janice Winfrey, who serves as the clerk, would be bound to pick names from the list submitted by the party under a local law intended to ensure bipartisan representation and an unbiased team of precinct workers.”

RNC spokesperson Gates McGavick explained: “Democrats have had a monopoly on poll watching for 40 years, and it speaks volumes that they’re terrified of an even playing field. The RNC is focused on training volunteers to take part in the election process because polling shows that American voters want bipartisan poll-watching to ensure transparency and security at the ballot box.”

“In the introduction graphic on his training presentation, Seifried says the RNC’s goal is to “make it easy to vote and HARD TO CHEAT.”


What’s encouraging is that as more efforts such as these are implemented across the nation, the odds of a candidate who didn’t bother to campaign, such as Biden, decrease quite significantly.

On another encouraging front, Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell, told Charles Kim, “he is eager" to see the "Russiagate" investigation by special counsel John Durham get to former FBI Director Jim Comey.

Grenell was reacting to Bill Clinton’s wife’s attorney, Michael Sussmann's, acquittal for lying to the FBI in the first court trial of the Durham investigation into the origin of the fake Russia collusion narrative that dominated Trump's first term in office.

While the results of the trial itself were quite depressing to Republican hopefuls, Grenell put the outcome in perspective, saying, “"We live in a country where no one is above the law, and this political partisanship that's going on in Washington, D.C., where three Clinton donors and an AOC [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.] donor all get together with the judge who's married to someone who represented Lisa Page, somehow tries to tell the rest of America that we have a really clean, honest, legal system, and I think that the American people can see it," Grenell said. "They know that it's phony, and we got to clean it up, so I'm not going to stop until we prosecute Jim Comey. I think he is guilty. I've seen the evidence, and he needs to be prosecuted."

Whereas Grenell’s experience and insider knowledge provide considerable ability regarding future probabilities, his opinion carries significant weight. And if he still believes Comey vulnerable, that means the chance must surely still exist. With even more exhilaration arising from his stating “I'm not going to stop until we prosecute Jim Comey.”

Considering what remains in the balance, it’s beyond hopeful that estimations of Grenell’s capabilities are correct.

That’s it for today folks.


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