Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Michael Goodwins column today addresses Biden’s internal problems currently surfacing with White House staff, frustrated by constant correction from them. The column itself is extremely well-written as usual, but it’s his readers comments that provide a sense of reassurance that voters are surely well-aware of who, how and what is responsible for the nation’s current condition.

Reader Brooklyn Kidd chose to reflect on what Biden inherited as a starting point. The recap underscores just how far Biden has sunk the nation from what he was handed upon inauguration: “This is what I stated Nov. 7th 2020. Today is nearly a week after the 2020 election. Gasoline is currently $1.99 - $2.09 per gallon. Interest rates are 2.65 percent for a 30 year mortgage. The stock market closed at 27,848, even though we have been fighting the COVID for 9 months. Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33 percent. We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. Isis has not been heard from for over 3 years. The housing market is the strongest I have ever seen. Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell within hours of going on the market, with multiple offers. Let's see if China Biden can even come close to holding that.....doubtful.”

SPANKY LALAVERTURE  responded: “Even come close" would be acceptable compared to what he's giving us, I live in the Northeast and have great fears about the escalating border crisis!”

Cesare Beccaria added: “Biden: Illegal aliens coming over the border are given a new smartphone, cash, a court date and transport to the city of their choice plus vouchers for hotels in that city.

Trump era: Stay in Mexico until your court date.”

 Diane Trudeau provided perspective regarding Biden’s expectations: “Excellent Mr Goodwin-I believe Biden thought he would be elected and be able to coast through his term because he thought everyone loved him-how wrong he was. He destroyed all the good Trump did-let the squad dictate to him-including de-fund the police-open the borders-ditch our gas supplies-etc and he thought the pandemic was over-I won't even get into Putin. Look at where we are-it will take years for some to recover from HIS inflation-coming at the time of the pandemic, which we are still reeling from. Baby formula-his answer was he was not a mind reader-it started last fall! He planned to sit in the office and weekend at the beach-and we are all paying for his clown reign.”

And then there’s an insightful but disturbing posting from MarkinVT: “The "staff clearing up his mistakes" can be attributed to Obama running the White House, and Joe realizing he's not really in charge. But if he pushes against Obama, he'll find himself impeached--by Democrats who'll finally impose the 25th amendment. I'd watch for a Kamala presidency after the midterms. She's more Obama's protege than the irascible fuzzy-headed Joe Biden.

Followed by an absolutely accurate response from reader Paul Gordon: ‘But she’s an imbecile and everyone knows it. That’s Biden’s personal safety net.”

And one more scarily true thought from BxIrishCath: “It’s reached the point where I don’t even have the energy to get mad at this guy anymore. He has no cogent capacity. I think President Klain gives him a daily shot of vitamin B and somehow gets him to stick to the script utilizing cue cards, teleprompters and hand puppets. If Biden was John Q. Public he would not be allowed to drive. This may be the worst case of elder abuse of all time.”

Some sobering words regarding political platform came from reader Dorien Grey, who in one short paragraph encapsulated what today’s voters are feeling everywhere: “Since when does climate change and social Justice feed anyone! Let alone the poor and new immigrants! California my former home is going deeper into bankruptcy ! And crime even in the safe wealthy neighborhoods! Hell there are now no drugstores in Downtown SF! Insanity!”

Then, two more readers added to the affirmation of voter awareness across the nation. Common Sense wrote: “I keep thinking the Democrats are going to pull one more illegal stunt and all hell is going to break loose! Just my opinion, because I have never seen anything like this in my life . All the actions they have taken have caused high cost on everything, along with open borders , high crime and destruction of the county !

“Now they are talking about gun control when New Yorkers can't take the subway safely! Stores are being shop lifted and crime is running rampant ! What next ?”

Jigzsaw replied to Common Sense, confirming that voters know precisely what results to expect from the administration's current agenda: “Riots for Roe v. wade if the decision goes against their wishes. Gas rationing. A change in your eating habits due to food prices. High unemployment in restaurants and vacation venues. People are going to be tightening up this summer. Little driving due to gas prices. Increase in depression/suicide. All designed to keep the people down and under control. Then government checks will be issued (again) to “help” the people but really to get us more dependent on government. I hate to sound so bleak, but isn’t some of this already happening?”

And then, as well-written a summary as one is able to find anywhere from reader Guy Montante: “Joe Biden has been lying his entire political career. He knows no other way. He’s a fraud & has been installed to run this country into the ground. Deep state couldn’t stomach a non politician taking the White House & making good on actual promises like never before. Trump has embarrassed the entire establishment by showing how lazy & all talk no action they all were. We had four years of prosperity, happiness & peace throughout the world. Trump had all the leaders in his pocket. He ran America like a well oiled machine with his business sense & experience. The deep state harassed him from day one without success & still he was able to keep promises & move this country forward. They had to make sure he did not continue his incredible legacy & installed a banana & corrupt administration to reverse all great things & make hard working tax paying American citizens suffer & pick up the tab for their over bloated spending & disastrous planning. The world knows & sees the truth. That’s a fact. Joe Biden crime family along with Pelosi crime family & an incompetent administration & associates are filling their coffers as they rip the fabric of this country to shreds. Truth!”

Taken together, Goodwin’s readers on one hand provide reassurance that despite control of the White House, Congress and the mainstream media, there is a very strong base of intelligent, aware and insightful voters patiently waiting for November’s arrival and the stemming of Biden’s irrational agenda through Republican takeovers in perhaps both Houses. The key word being “patiently.”

Because on the other hand, if takeovers for some reason don’t occur, and Progressive policies continue as they are, there’s no telling what this intelligent, aware and insightful population will do in response. The chances are; however, it won’t be quiet and it won’t be pretty.

That’s it for today folks.


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