Wednesday, September 16, 2020


While Democrats complacently stand by watching as domestic terrorists tear former model cities of liberalism such as New York and Los Angeles to shreds, President Donald Trump's efforts began producing true peace in the Middle East.  

As written in today’s New York Post by Michael Goodwin: “The agreements signed (yesterday) at the gathering on the South Lawn of the White House are fittingly called the Abraham Accords. They mark a new era of trade, tourism and opportunity for millions of Jews, Muslims and Christians in the region.

“Trump clearly savored the moment but, ever restless, says he’s not finished yet. He told reporters he believes the Palestinians eventually will want to negotiate and predicted that, if he wins a second term, he will make a deal with the Iranians, too.

The changes, he said, are just the start of a “new Middle East.” Only a fool would quibble on a day as big as this one.”

Goodwin’s article itself (link attached) is a well-written condensation of how and why Trump’s policy in the region brought the parties to the table, underlying premises being assertion of U.S. strength coupled with a complete reversal of eight years of Obama mismanagement.

Goodwin writes: “Big decisions have big consequences and Trump’s Mideast policy is remarkable not only for its success, but also for its unprecedented approach. The contrast with Barack Obama is especially dramatic.

 Until Obama, recent presidents of both parties followed a similar script of supporting Israel while being a buffer between it and its hostile Arab neighbors. The goal was to be an “honest broker” while guaranteeing Israel’s security as long as it respected American interests in the Arab world. Those interests included oil and, increasingly, funding for the perpetually bankrupt Palestinians, who returned the favor with massive corruption and by making “martyr” payments to the families of terrorists who killed Israelis.

“These transgressions were apparently minor obstacles to Obama, who believed he knew best. He thought he could lure the Muslim world to his view by apologizing for past American behavior and promising to restrain Israel and forcing it to make concessions to the Palestinians.

“Incredibly, he even urged the Palestinians not to negotiate with Israel until Israel stopped constructing and expanding settlements in the West Bank. Obama openly disliked and insulted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, once forcing him to leave the White House through a back door, and secretly used American funds to try to defeat Netanyahu in an election.

“His record was perfect — a perfect failure. There were, for example, zero serious negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians for the eight years of the Obama-Biden administration.”

Seen as a first and major step toward bringing regional peace, Saudi Arabia may soon align as well, the agreements also reflect skills and capabilities of Trump himself. Yet, despite his outstanding rebuilding of the U.S. economy, enormous job creation across all races, establishing America as an energy superpower, ratification of USMCA, border security efforts, using tariffs to effectively force the Chinese Communist Party into a bargaining posture, dramatic VHA improvement, worldwide troop reduction and the elimination of terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, hatred for the president is still rampant throughout the major media.

As noted by Dr. Robert Jeffress, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas were Trump to walk on water, major media reports would flash that “Trump can’t swim!”

That’s it for today folks.


Here’s the Goodwin link:



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