Illustrating how instant communication today, especially the Internet, is making life far more difficult for politicians and their party's, according to a C-SPAN recording of his remarks: "Senate Republican leaders Monday seized on comments made by Vice President Joe Biden 24 years ago, when the then-senator from Delaware said the Senate should not consider a Supreme Court nominee during an election year.
"Once the political season is underway and it is, action on a Supreme Court
nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over," Biden
said in June 1992 on the Senate floor." And that's in direct conflict with the goals of his boss.
However, reader kg14051, posted a comment suggesting what is mot likely to happen in reality.
"This really shouldn't be an issue. Let Obama nominate his choice, have the hearings, and don't confirm."
On another topic: Back in April of 2015, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel spoke about what he terms
the city’s, “model gun control legislation.” That was a week before last year's crucial
mayoral election, when he was scrambling to defend a rising murder
Now today, Alexandra Chachkevitch and Megan Crepeau, via Drudge, report that: “[O]ur
homicides over the weekend and two more Monday morning pushed Chicago's homicide
count so far this year to double the same period last year.
“The city has recorded at least 95 homicides since the first of the year,
compared to 47 last year, according to data kept by the Tribune. The city has
also more than doubled the amount of people shot - about 420 this year compared
to 193 last year.”
While the statistics apparently prove dramatically that it isn’t guns that
kill people, other people do, Emanuel took an age-old politician’s stance,
simply passing the buck.
The mayor told
the Sun Times: “[W]hile we have model gun control legislation here -at gun
stores, it’s now filmed. There are further background checks. But to get the gains we need, you need to change the
gun laws. Which means Springfield has to step up.”
Explaining the situation further, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said. “Yet
even with the strongest partnerships and best policing in the world without
better state and federal laws to help keep illegal guns off the streets we will
continue to face an uphill battle.”
However, what both the mayor and police chief confirm by their responses, yet
still refuse to acknowledge, is that it isn’t the “law” that’s the problem.
Because law-abiding gun owners aren’t shooting anyone, anywhere. It’s uncontrolled
criminals with weapons that are solely responsible and must be curtailed.
On another subject, last night, on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, Marco
Rubio gave his criteria for dealing with illegal aliens.
“It does depend on what the American people will support," Rubio said of his
immigration policy. "Here's what I've suggested in the past. If someone has been
here for a defined period of time, they can pass a background check, if they've
committed crimes they can't stay. They have to pay a tax, they have to start
paying taxes. They're going to have to pay a substantial fine because they
violated the law."
However, Rubio, like all others seeking ways to give illegals a break, avoids
the major issue in question. Because, according to the Constitution of the
United States, at present these people are lawbreakers.
Therefore, not only is giving them any kind of special consideration
unwarranted and undeserved, it belittles, insults and demeans all those who’ve
come here legally. Furthermore, if illegal aliens are to be provided special
consideration, what other laws can be broken without penalty by categorized
perpetrators? Perhaps uneducated thieves should be forgiven because they can’t
read “Do Not Enter” signs on bank vaults and private property.
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Adam Shaw, Daniel Jativa and Joseph Weber combined on a story, suggesting that Bill’s wife isn’t only sinking
in favorability, but is taking other Democrats with her in her slide.
The authors write: “Should Hillary Clinton succeed in beating back the Bernie
Sanders challenge, don't look for her — or any of the remaining 2016 Republican
White House candidates, for that matter — to provide a coattail ride for any
congressional hopefuls.
“That wasn't the case a year ago, when House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
predicted that a Clinton candidacy "would be one that could not only take her
into office, but would [pull Democrats to victory].”
“But, what a difference a year makes — one filled with FBI investigations
into her use of a private email server while secretary of state, questions about
foreign contributions made to her family foundation, and Sanders.”
Additionally, the National Republican Congressional Committee recently predicted
that Bill’s wife would return the Democratic Party to “shambles,” pointing
to her favorability rating falling well below 50 percent, both nationally, and
in some congressional swing districts.
“Katie Martin, communications director for the NRCC, said: “The significant
holes in House Democrats' recruiting efforts not only proves that their initial
confidence in riding Hillary's coattails is misplaced, but also that they have
no hope of recapturing the House majority in 2016.”
So, here again, evidence mounts that demonstrates the self-serving interests
that drive both Clinton’s, particularly Bill’s wife. And in this case, while she herself
may very well not even make it to election day, she has no compunctions about
taking her whole party down with her.
Which brings up the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry
Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading
That’s it for today folks.
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