With the New Hampshire primary results now known, the Republican
presidential race begins to take some real shape.
There’s still plenty of time for Trump to disqualify himself, and
self-destruct as people eventually tire of his unsubstantiated blustering. In
any case, he most won’t likely won’t get any higher anywhere else than the 35%
he did yesterday.
With Cruz at 12% and Rubio at 11%, the “establishment” certainly isn’t dead
by any means, whereas Bush also attained 11%. However, if you add up the three
governors in the race, their total ties Trump, Kasich: 16%, Bush: 11%, Christie:
8% = 35% with 9 months to go for whichever one survives.
Fiorina and Carson are probably soon gone, while if Christie drops out,
voters will likely move toward Bush or Kasich. Meaning that there’s still plenty
of time for things to sort out, while 65% of Republicans, so far, aren’t backing
Trump and almost certainly won’t.
On another issue, according to FoxNews.com, “A divided Supreme Court
on Tuesday abruptly halted President Obama's controversial new power plant
regulations, dealing a blow to the administration's sweeping plan to address
global warming.
“In a 5-4 decision, the court halted enforcement of the plan until after
legal challenges are resolved.”
27 mostly Republican-led states and industry opponents find the regulations
"an unprecedented power grab." However: “By temporarily freezing the rule the
high court's order signals that opponents have made a strong argument against
the plan. A federal appeals court last month refused to put it on hold.”
As a practical matter, though, appellate arguments are set to begin June 2,
which means that, by then the POTUS will likely have already begun packing his
golf clubs, soon to be leaving the White House. And that means the whole issue
will probably have lost all momentum by then.
In any case, the compliance period starts in 2022, although states must
submit their plans to the Environmental Protection Administration by September
or seek an extension. The six year time lag is another reason that this meaningless plan will almost
certainly fade away on its own.
At the same time, Mother Nature continues to disrupt canned pitches from
global-warmist’s, by foisting cold weather across much of the nation.
Jon Erdman @weather.com via Drudge writes: “The coldest air
of the season is poised to plunge into the Northeast this coming Valentine's Day
weekend. This Arctic blast will not only flirt with some daily records, but will
also bring subzero cold to parts of the Midwest and reinforce the cold in the
A sharp southward nosedive of the polar jet stream will help tap an air mass
originating from the Canadian Arctica and send it into the eastern half of the
country from Friday through Valentine's Day.
Which means that while global-warming activists continue sounding
alarms, they still have a serious problem to contend with. Because if people
open their windows, or actually walk outside, the shivering feeling they get may
cause them to question the propaganda being shoveled at them while they shovel
snow and dig out their vehicles.
Then, a Facebook friend posted the following this morning:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
For anyone doubting the impact Bernie Sanders is having on the race for the
Democrat presidential nomination, yesterday’s results in New Hampshire should
certainly erase them.
The final result showed Sanders at 60%, with Bill’s wife attaining a mere 39%.
However, while the totals are impressive for Sanders, the details illustrate far
deeper problems for Bill’s wife than just a primary loss in a small New England
According to David R. Jones @nytimes.com: “Senator Bernie Sanders
beat Hillary Clinton among nearly every demographic group in the Democratic New
Hampshire primary, according to exit polls.
“He carried majorities of both men and women. He won among those with and
without college degrees. He won among gun owners and non-gun owners. He beat
Mrs. Clinton among previous primary voters and those participating for the first
time. And he ran ahead among both moderates and liberals.
“Even so, there were a few silver linings for Mrs. Clinton. While Mr. Sanders
bested her among all age groups younger than 45, the two candidates polled
evenly among voters aged 45 to 64.”
What’s most interesting, and true to form is that, while Bill’s wife won the support of voters 65 and older, she lost every income group, except for
one. This self-claiming ardent supporter of the needy and hopeless
carried voters in families earning over $200,000 per year.
Additionally, Dick Morris who knows both Clinton’s far better than most,
wrote @thehill.com/opinion: “Sanders has a coherent, consistent and
concise message: Incomes are stagnant because the economy is rigged by the top
one-tenth of 1 percent that controls politics through massive campaign
“Clinton has no competing message, just the charge that Sanders’s supporters
are “sexist and vulgar.”
Morris goes on to state: “Their strategy is laughable. After losing 84
percent of young voters in Iowa — and failing to recover them in New Hampshire —
they sent in two aging fossils of feminism to insult and threaten young women.
“The 81-year-old feminist Gloria Steinem charged that young women are only
backing Sanders because that’s where they can meet boys. And 78-year-old
Madeleine Albright threatened to consign to a “special place in hell” women who
don’t back female candidates like Clinton.
“Those are two great ways to attract young voters,” Morris opined.
Then Morris went on to comment on Bill: “The aging and raging ex-president,
meanwhile, speaking to a half-filled gym in a New Hampshire school, ranted about
Sanders’s “hypocrisy” in condemning his wife’s paid speeches. Sanders, too, has
given paid speeches, Bill Clinton claimed.
“He’s got a point. In 2013, for example, Sanders made all of $1,500, which he
donated to charity as required by federal law. In 2014, he raked in $1,850 for
paid speeches. By contrast, Clinton made, and kept, over $21 million during the
same time period. Sanders was only reimbursed for coach class airfare, while
Clinton demanded private jets. Sanders’s hosts were the TV show “Real Time with
Bill Maher,” Avalon Publishing and a machinists union. Clinton’s were Goldman
Sachs, the big banks and the pharmaceutical and energy industries. What
hypocrisy for Sanders to use that as an issue!”
So, what we have here is history seeming about to repeat itself. Because it
doesn’t appear to matter who the competition is against Bill’s wife. The longer
she campaigns, the greater her rivals appeal increases, regardless of whom they
may be. Which leads to the thought that it isn’t so much her rivals building
popularity, but the reverse. In her case, familiarity builds dislike, distaste
and repulsion that sends most voters toward others, time and again.
Bringing up the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and
Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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