If I was editor of The New York Times, I'd really have a problem trying to get out editions these days. Because their motto -All The News That Fits, We Print- is almost impossible to live up to this summer. It just seems that day after day, there's simply no news anyone cares about. But then again, nobody cares about the Times either, so I guess it's a wash.
While looking for blogworthy items this morning, though, I came across a very disturbing article. It seems that Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is at odds with the president as to whether a mosque be built nearby ground zero in New York. Now, I'm sure that the argument about erecting the mosque will go on for some time, and regardless of the conclusion, the issue will likely fester for years to come, because neither side will ever be pleased with the outcome.
But, it wasn't the mosque argument that disturbed me. What got to me was, in the article the writer described Reid as the second most powerful person in America, right behind the president himself. Now, I've seen Harry Reid many times and never given him a second thought, in fact, I don't recall ever giving him a first thought. But, perusing the article made me re-think, because, of course, the author's correct -Harry Reid indeed has some political clout.
Now, if you'd asked me yesterday what I thought of Harry Reid, I'd have said he's some rinky-dink weasel politician who looks like an emaciated Chihuahua, and likely allergic to Wheaties, red meat and exercise, and I don't think the Oakland Raiders are going to be drafting him at middle-linebacker any too soon. I mean, this guy looks like the closest he's ever come to power is when he plugs in his shaver.
But, it shows you how wrong I can be. Because as it turns out to be, he is someone who has enormous power but only looks like some rinky-dink weasel politician who looks like an emaciated Chihuahua, and likely allergic to Wheaties, red meat and exercise, and I don't think the Oakland Raiders are going to be drafting him at middle-linebacker any too soon. I mean, this guy looks like the closest he's ever come to power is when he plugs in his shaver.
Having straightened out my erroneous perception of Harry Reid, I'll move forward to Nancy Pelosi who, I guess, is the third most powerful person in the U.S. So, that means I'll have to reconsider her too. But regardless of her post as House Speaker, I still think of her as some rinky-dink weasel politician who looks like an emaciated Chihuahua, and likely allergic to Wheaties, red meat and exercise, and I don't think the Oakland Raiders are going to be drafting her at middle-linebacker any too soon. I mean, this housewife whose husband's pockets are deep looks like the closest she's ever come to power is when she plugs in her shaver.
Now, having gotten my governmental perceptions corrected, I feel much better. And, I truly hope that if Reed and Pelosi do turn to football this fall when they're both out of work, that the Oakland Raiders do take them. because, I sure as shooting don't want to see either one on the Jets.
That's it for today folks.
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