Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Now, just today the thought occurred that after eleven years of posted ideas, concepts, and opinions, most, if not all readers would likely conclude the writer to be a dedicated, if not fanatical, conservative.

Yet, in practicality no political preferences exist whatsoever. All that appears in print is simply commentary regarding matters and events of interest as they occur. Praise, derision, pleasure, or dislike arise as earned in the writer’s opinion when viewed.

Consequently, no belief exists here that any idea, premise, or philosophy be valued greater than any other because of any political ideology. Any and all assumptions and postulations earn their worth, primarily, and only because of their performance concerning the writer over an extended period of time.

For example, does this writer believe that sealed borders are required because they are a mainstay of Conservative philosophy? No, absolutely not. The writer’s belief in border protection exists because when they’re open, countless numbers of unidentified beings enter the nation unbridled, bringing heaven only knows what with them. It matters not what the political philosophy of an armed thief, murderer, molester, addict, or gang member happens to be. Those they accost are going to be just as harmed, brutalized, or dead regardless of the perpetrators voting habits.

Similarly, homes, neighborhoods, streets, highways, byways, and all types of public access environments are safe or they’re not. Adequate police protection exists or does not. Thus, if this writer is somehow threatened, since it’s doubtful a discussion with the perpetrator regarding social justice is going to reduce the potential harm, it’s simply much more logical to be able to call a cop.

The same can be said about energy issues. Heating oil, natural gas and auto fuel do precisely the same thing for this writer regardless of where originated. A tankful of gasoline is going to take one just as far, whether refined in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia or delivered by the Keystone pipeline. Presently, the only difference is that the Saudi product costs twice as much.

What about climate change? Having done considerable research on the subject when first raised by AlGore, it became unquestionably obvious to this writer that humans can no more affect climatical performance than they can any other natural occurrences. However, whereas the vast majority of the population has neither the intellect, education, nor interest in pursuing knowledge of the subject, their continual duping is a free ride for conscious-less politicians. Therefore, in an effort to help keep needed billions of dollars in other areas of the economy where they can actually do some good, this writer believes voting support is deserved by those believing the same regardless of political affiliation. As far as what’s truly required to know about climate as a personal matter, all that’s needed is a daily weather report or access to a window or outside door.

At present, Corona virus affects all on the planet one way or another. When it originally arrived two years ago, a former businessman stood at the nation’s helm. Taking a purely practical approach to the problem, legislation and regulations were invented, reshaped or removed permitting the fastest development of antibodies and cures the country had ever seen. On the opposing hand, New  York’s governor took a primarily political approach to the matter, refusing the president’s help. And after that governor’s removal his incoming replacement's administration’s first Covid-19 update release “recognized an additional 12,000 Covid deaths that had been previously excluded from the state’s official tally” according to Politico.

Thus, when looking for solutions to managerial issues, and considering the US presidency is the greatest managerial task ever evolved, logic suggests managerial performance should be the primary concern, not politics. Then looking at the actual results described above, regardless of political affiliation, actual results seem to bear that premise out.

That’s it for today folks.


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