Friday, December 31, 2021


Comparing current administration results versus the last, significant differences can be seen in the view held by party leadership as to what they believe constituents will or will not accept, performance-wise.

When running for office, for example, it appears that those on the left campaign as if spoken words and promises made are simply props, to be used when and where needed with little regard for accuracy or truth. Conversely, ones on the right, seem to put more weight on verbiage, taking it far more seriously, fully expecting to be made to measure for what they utter or promise.

These differentials are generally fine as political styles concerning well-informed, experienced voters who typically understand that it is they that must sort out the facts for themselves. During campaigns for office, sophisticated voters have commonly come to accept candidate’s braggadocio, exaggeration, and “vows” to be part of the selling process, gathering no real expectation of future delivery as promised.

But what about the mass of humanity incapable, naïve or simply gullible enough to actually believe what’s being “sold” to them? When shopping for personal needs, they’ll attain satisfaction or not, dealing with purchases individually. However, when the unsophisticated are amassed together, such as in a national election, their “buying” choices also affect everyone else.

Abraham Lincoln put it this way: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” In today’s environment, that premise can be adapted to say, “you can fool enough of the people at a particular time to attain a specific purpose.” And that’s what was done by the Biden campaign. A massive number of people were sold a bill of goods either currently unavailable, unproducible or simply non-existent. Nonetheless, enough of them bought to “close the deal.”

Later on, when the time came for delivery of what Biden had sold to his gullible buyers, the truth emerged; there was nothing there at all. Which once again raises the critical question of how and where do we presently cancel the sale? Where do we return the items, in this case, the administration, that doesn’t work at all? And what do we do for the three coming years to overcome the fact that a self-admitted incompetent was purchased?

That’s it for today folks.



Thursday, December 30, 2021


Today presents a quandary for this writer, who like 333,892,437 other citizens faces the consequences of being sold an incredibly false bill of goods with no immediate remedy at hand nor likely until election day Nov 5, 2024. The dilemma is having a consummate fabricator occupying the nation’s Oval Office.

The verbiage seen below was copied this morning, word for word, as posted @, when the president was campaigning for office:

“Whatever the state of the COVID pandemic on the day Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take office, their administration will:

“Listen to science

“Ensure public health decisions are informed by public health professionals

“Restore trust, transparency, common purpose, and accountability to our government


“In the midst of a growing public health crisis, the country is looking for leadership, effectiveness, and trusted experience — and that’s Vice President Joe Biden. Joe Biden has been laser-focused on the threat that COVID-19 has posed to our nation and the decisive public health and economic steps necessary to get the virus under control, deliver immediate relief to working families, and reopen our schools and businesses safely.”

And now today, Jessica Chasmar "The president took a dramatically different tone when he said Monday that "there is no federal solution" to the pandemic and that it was up to governors — a sentiment that was much maligned by Biden and the Democrats under the Trump administration.

“Biden acknowledged this week that his efforts had fallen short, and he has since promised to make 500 million coronavirus tests available free of charge, but the administration has not yet signed a contract to buy the tests and has not said when the tests will be delivered.

“Biden has also failed to follow through on his promise to hold China accountable for its handling of the virus that causes COVID-19. During his campaign, Biden said he would "not be taking China’s word for it" and would "insist" that the communist country cooperate with a U.S. investigation into its origins. Since taking office, Biden has had three speaking engagements with Chinese President Xi Jinping and has not raised the issue once.”

So, in that few minutes with the press on Monday, the president effectively threw up his hands, basically saying he’d lost the Covid battle and tossed the problem back to the nation’s governors.

While those governor’s may or not individually be capable of dealing with the virus issue, what are we as individual citizens supposed to do about it? Because thanks to a mass of other presidential incompetence regarding the economy, national borders, Iran’s resurrection as a world power, the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, inflation causing steeply rising prices with no end in sight, particularly costs of fuel resulting directly from shutting off the nation’s self-efficiency, we who live here are paying the price.

A quite appropriate summation appeared in Newsday back on 11/30/21, when Larry Alexander, Warren Distinguished Professor of Law and Co-Executive Director of the Institute for Law and Philosophy, University of San Diego concluded an article by writing” “Finally, it is worth commenting on Biden's character. Biden is prone not just to embellishing the truth, but to outright lying. His campaign lied about his son Hunter's laptop—saying that well-substantiated reports of its contents was Russian disinformation. He lied about Hunter's business dealings, including possible influence peddling, with the Chinese. He lied about what Donald Trump said regarding the Charlottesville protests. He lied about Kyle Rittenhouse, claiming the teenager was a white supremacist before his trial even began. Throughout his political career, he has plagiarized and told whoppers about things he is supposed to have done (but didn't do).

“Biden has attained virtually no successes as president. But as the above list attests, he has produced a lifetime's worth of major failures in less than a year.”

The bright side to the above truths is that they add significantly to the almost certain return to office of Donald Trump, who’s already proven without doubt of his capability to resurrect Democrat managerial catastrophes. That’s bolstered by a long list of fully capable, proven others any one of whom can competently take his place should Trump decline the challenge. However, that does nothing at present toward solving this writer’s original problem today.

Despite the unequivocal incapability of a lying incompetent at the nation’s helm, what are we supposed to do to help ourselves until next election day? Any and all suggestions welcome.

That’s it for today folks.



Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Now, just today the thought occurred that after eleven years of posted ideas, concepts, and opinions, most, if not all readers would likely conclude the writer to be a dedicated, if not fanatical, conservative.

Yet, in practicality no political preferences exist whatsoever. All that appears in print is simply commentary regarding matters and events of interest as they occur. Praise, derision, pleasure, or dislike arise as earned in the writer’s opinion when viewed.

Consequently, no belief exists here that any idea, premise, or philosophy be valued greater than any other because of any political ideology. Any and all assumptions and postulations earn their worth, primarily, and only because of their performance concerning the writer over an extended period of time.

For example, does this writer believe that sealed borders are required because they are a mainstay of Conservative philosophy? No, absolutely not. The writer’s belief in border protection exists because when they’re open, countless numbers of unidentified beings enter the nation unbridled, bringing heaven only knows what with them. It matters not what the political philosophy of an armed thief, murderer, molester, addict, or gang member happens to be. Those they accost are going to be just as harmed, brutalized, or dead regardless of the perpetrators voting habits.

Similarly, homes, neighborhoods, streets, highways, byways, and all types of public access environments are safe or they’re not. Adequate police protection exists or does not. Thus, if this writer is somehow threatened, since it’s doubtful a discussion with the perpetrator regarding social justice is going to reduce the potential harm, it’s simply much more logical to be able to call a cop.

The same can be said about energy issues. Heating oil, natural gas and auto fuel do precisely the same thing for this writer regardless of where originated. A tankful of gasoline is going to take one just as far, whether refined in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia or delivered by the Keystone pipeline. Presently, the only difference is that the Saudi product costs twice as much.

What about climate change? Having done considerable research on the subject when first raised by AlGore, it became unquestionably obvious to this writer that humans can no more affect climatical performance than they can any other natural occurrences. However, whereas the vast majority of the population has neither the intellect, education, nor interest in pursuing knowledge of the subject, their continual duping is a free ride for conscious-less politicians. Therefore, in an effort to help keep needed billions of dollars in other areas of the economy where they can actually do some good, this writer believes voting support is deserved by those believing the same regardless of political affiliation. As far as what’s truly required to know about climate as a personal matter, all that’s needed is a daily weather report or access to a window or outside door.

At present, Corona virus affects all on the planet one way or another. When it originally arrived two years ago, a former businessman stood at the nation’s helm. Taking a purely practical approach to the problem, legislation and regulations were invented, reshaped or removed permitting the fastest development of antibodies and cures the country had ever seen. On the opposing hand, New  York’s governor took a primarily political approach to the matter, refusing the president’s help. And after that governor’s removal his incoming replacement's administration’s first Covid-19 update release “recognized an additional 12,000 Covid deaths that had been previously excluded from the state’s official tally” according to Politico.

Thus, when looking for solutions to managerial issues, and considering the US presidency is the greatest managerial task ever evolved, logic suggests managerial performance should be the primary concern, not politics. Then looking at the actual results described above, regardless of political affiliation, actual results seem to bear that premise out.

That’s it for today folks.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Blog writing faded away over the past year, only one entry reaching publication. However, the utterly miserable performance of the current administration spurred posting yesterday of the question as to what voters were thinking who’ve wrought the nation’s current distress upon themselves. The posting must have struck a nerve whereas only a handful of friends were made aware of its existence, yet hundreds of “hits” occurred meaning many readers informed others. So, here’s one more offering.

Reading of my own writing from twelve months past confirmed that every single iota of the damage done primarily by institution of far-left ideology was not only predictable, warnings were readily available to anyone taking the time to read the material back then. And one of the things often mentioned in those pre-election texts was how seemingly focused leftist electoral candidates were on applying community activist Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” in their electoral strategy’s.

According to Wikipedia: “The use of common enemy against a community was another theme of Rules for Radicals, as a uniting element in communities.

“Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a "common enemy" for the community within which he was operating. Often, this would be a local politician or agency that had some involvement with activity concerning the community. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization. The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community's goal would be to defeat that enemy.”

While the election is now over- Democrats gaining governmental control to all extent at the moment- it seems the far left wishes to continue application of Alinsky’s theoretical approach. A glaring example being non-existent “climate change” employing several of his “rules,” such as:

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

"Keep the pressure on."

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

 An application of the above elements can be seen today in a Newsmax article by Jeremy Frankel saying:

 “Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is urging U.S. regulators to hold the financial sector accountable, accusing it of being a major contributor to climate change.

“Bloomberg reports that Warren cited a Sierra Club and Center for American Progress study showing that eight of the largest U.S. banks and 10 of the country's largest asset managers finance approximately 2 billion tons of emissions of carbon dioxide combined. 

Warren tweeted Monday: ''The volume of greenhouse gas emitted by the financial-services industry is outrageous. If it were a country it would rank as the fifth-largest emitter in the world. Regulators need to crack down on the financial sector's role in the #ClimateCrisis.''

 “According to the study, continued unrestrained emissions mean that extreme weather events will only become worse and ''efforts to mitigate emissions will only become more challenging and costly.'' The authors of the study urged the Biden administration to take steps such as measuring banks' potential losses due to climate change.

 “Additionally, the Securities and Exchange Commission, as part of the administration's effort to address climate change, plans to propose regulations requiring corporations to publicly release their ''climate risks,'' Bloomberg notes.”

So, here we have a U.S. senator attempting to gain control of major financial institutions because the weather changes and somewhere down the road it might rain, snow, or get too hot or cold at times. Which in this case is even more ridiculous because the institutions Warren refers to don’t even emit the “volume of greenhouse gas“ themselves, particular borrowers and clients do.

And it’s at times like these when El Rushbo is sorely missed whereas he would have had a field day shredding Warren’s overreach of the “climate” myth. Particularly because these major financial institutions can no more affect the weather than he can from his current location.

 That’s it for today folks.
