Saturday, April 18, 2020


For some time now, I’ve had little doubt that the pandemic which we’re all now amidst was purposeful on China’s part, and thus a definitive step in germ warfare. This may or may not be their first attempt, but undoubtedly the first that worked astronomically across the world. Back in late December 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic also started in Wuhan, China. Though impacting a large portion of China and raising major global concerns, SARS reached nothing like the current situation.

At the present time, I’ve also been well aware that this outbreak presents a huge opportunity for the Democrats to resurrect what’s left of the dregs of their party. Whereas they’ve had no viable platform for what seems like forever, they’ve been forced instead to employ inane, unfounded childish impeachment attempts against one of the most successful presidents in the nation’s history, Donald Trump. 

But now, there’s little doubt that even those intellectual dolts will eventually wake up and realize that their only hope for salvation rests in pinning the blame for the Coronavirus 19 squarely on the POTUS. It will be similar to those leftist press representatives whom sit in the White House press room all day, focused entirely on finding ways to entrap that same POTUS in print in any way possible to promote their anti-American agenda desired by their alien handlers.

Coming soon will be constant pounding on drums by the left that Trump should have been aware years ago that the Chinese were plotting germ usage against us all along, while he instead strove to bring both nations closer via international trade. Their tirades will be enhanced by the fact that not a Democrat on the planet grasps a whit about anything having to do the economy, job creation or any citizen earning a farthing. To them, it matters not that in order to divide others wealth, that wealth has somehow first be produced.  

The left’s effort will also gain from the practical reality that, from a purely political perspective history shows that fact and reality rarely matter, if at all, when it comes to persuasion of voters. For most, what’s happening to them lately is the primary concern. And therefore, as soon as Democrats comprehend what the Chinese have gifted them by virtue of their attempt to cripple the U.S. irreparably, even Joe Biden will be able to avail of America’s downturn (provided he can remember the subject.)

Thus, at the moment it’s almost a virtual certainty that the left has an electoral advantage that over the immediate future is likely insurmountable considering the blows taken by the nation’s economy. The past three years in which the POTUS has grown the U.S. economy to the greatest in its history will be quickly forgotten by the voting public, rendering him unelectable.

Meaning that Chinese scientists have handed the left the upcoming presidential election on a viral platter with only one small caveat. Trump’s the executive whom will be running again this coming November, giving him five months to repair what’s been done to his economic accomplishments. And alas for the Dem’s on the far left, that’s more than enough time for him to sit back and watch as they hoist themselves on their own petards again.

That’s it for today folks.


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