Tuesday, May 27, 2014


As suggested here quite often during the past four years, if the Republicans truly wish to win the majority of upcoming Congressional elections, and then retake the White House in 2016, all they need to is sit back, keep quiet and watch as the party of the most incompetent president ever known self-destructs.
And, as has also been mentioned here many times before, the happiest man in the entire U.S. has got to be Jimmy Carter, who formerly held the title of worst chief executive ever to serve as POTUS.
The first of the flubs reported today came from Tom McCarthy of the U.K.s Guardian via Drudge who writes, “The White House blew the cover of the top CIA agent in Afghanistan on Sunday, when the person’s name was included on a list given to reporters during a visit to the country by President Barack Obama.
The name was then emailed by the White House press office to a distribution list of more than 6,000 recipients, mostly members of the US media.
The agent in question, listed as chief of station, would be a top manager of CIA activity in Afghanistan, including intelligence collection and a drone-warfare programme under which unmanned aerial vehicles mount cross-border attacks into Pakistan.”
Apparently blame's being placed on young, inexperienced personnel in the White House, overwhelmed by the tasks associated with the incumbent’s visit to Afghanistan. Which appears to be, in its own way, as bad as the error itself. Because the question then becomes: Why should newcomers and trainees be given that magnitude of responsibility? And also confirms management failures and incompetency from the top on down in the entire administration.
Next, there’s another complete miscalculation demonstrating an inability to differentiate administrative skills versus political posturing and campaigning. This one regarding the incumbent's ill-thought-out health care tax which is now financially penalizing formerly strongly-supportive constituents.
The Wall Street Journal reports that, “Unions and employers are tussling over who will pick up the tab for new mandates, such as coverage for dependent children to age 26, as well as future costs, such as a tax on premium health plans starting in 2018. The question is poised to become a significant point of tension as tens of thousands of labor contracts covering millions of workers expire in the next several years, with ACA-related cost increases ranging from 5% to 12.5% in current talks.”
An example is that, “One pressure point is the higher costs of new mandates, especially the requirement that health plans expand coverage for dependents. For Unite Here, adding that coverage for 14,000 dependents raised costs in the health-care fund run by the union’s Las Vegas local by $26 million since 2011, said union spokeswoman Bethany Khan.”
And, “Jim Ray, a lawyer who represents the Laborers International Union of North America in benefits negotiations, said these provisions have increased construction-industry health plans’ costs by 5% to 10%, and already resulted in lower wages for some laborers.”
So, that’s what you get when politically-motivated bureaucrats attempt to take over a system that’s a thousand miles over their heads. Which is also confirmed by the fact that simple arithmetic proves that when you’re trying to give 47 million uninsured folks a free ride, somebody’s got to pay for it. And in today’s case, you can add millions of union members to the list of those stuck with the medical bills.
Then we come to another case where a huge political scam gains further press exposure.
Rowan Scarborough of washingtontimes.com writes that, “Retired military officers deeply involved in the climate change movement — and some in companies positioned to profit from it — spearheaded an alarmist global warming report this month that calls on the Defense Department to ramp up spending on what it calls a man-made problem.”
The report itself was “immediately hailed as a call to action’ by the administration.
However, “[It] was issued not by a private advocacy group but by a Pentagon-financed think tank that trumpets “absolute objectivity,” although “The research was funded by a climate change group that is also one of the think tank’s main customers.”
Then we get to the individuals involved.
"One of the CNA panel’s vice chairmen, retired Navy Vice Adm. Lee Gunn, is president of a private think tank, the American Security Project, whose prime issue is warning about climate change.
The other vice chairman, retired Army Brig. Gen. Gerald E. Galloway Jr., is a prominent adviser to the Center for Climate and Security, a climate change group.
In all, four CNA board members sit on the panel of advisers to the Center for Climate and Security, whose statements on climate change are similar to those found in the CNA report.
Other board members work in the climate change world of consulting and technology, while “The CNA advisory panel is headed by retired four-star Army Gen. Paul Kern, who sits on the board of directors of a company that sells climate-detection products to the Pentagon and other government agencies. At least two other board members are employed in businesses that sell climate change expertise and products.”
So, following one of the coldest winters on record and quite cool spring, global-warming hustlers continue coining money and fleecing the public via government-granted cash. All of which is remindful of the Wizard of Oz and his predictions made through a megaphone.
And just like in that guy’s case, this coming November I’ve got the sense that voters are going to close their own screens and make sure that when the total’s counted, his is going to get pulled too. Except it will be in the other direction, opening it to let him know they realize what a total fraud he is, and so are his cohorts.
That’s it for today folks.

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