Monday, May 5, 2014


I spend condensable time regarding the stalled Keystone pipeline. That’s because, if you do some homework, you realize that importing oil as we do now has a huge affect on the cost of living for all of us. And while Canada is still a foreign provider, its proximity and the nature of our two nation’s relationship portends a vastly better and far more affordable way to obtain a critical commodity we depend on.
However, my thought today isn’t about the pipeline directly, but has to do with a comment made a Democrat senator on Sunday. 
According to Fox News on-line, Senator Joe Manchin, believes “that the Senate might have enough votes to pass a bill compelling the Obama administration to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.”
He noted that 62 senators voted in favor of a Keystone measure last year, saying "I still think that vote is there. I really do." 
But Manchin said he "would hope" that a few more Democrats would be willing to support it, and even suggested it could be a positive step for the White House. 
And now, here’s the truly incredible part, whereas he went on; “We don't want to usurp anyone's power, but if it gives the White House some protection from the environmental community coming after them, sooner or later you've got to give to the will of the people." 
So, reading that last comment carefully again, what this Democrat Senator said was: “sooner or later you've got to give to the will of the people." Which means that he, and no doubt everyone else in his party knows, that  a majority of the nation’s citizens want the pipeline opened now. 
Yet, under the guise of environmental protection the incumbent continues to invoke the global warming hoax that hasn’t existed for more than seventeen years, and in fact is presently reversing to cooling due to a perfectly normal shift in planetary orbit that’s taken place for eons.
However, when some billionaire liberal puts up a hundred million to buy White House protection so he can pursue goals of his own, citizens needs place a distant second and most likely aren’t considered at all. Because for this administration, money’s the only vote that counts, regardless.
And then we come to another issue involving administrative misguidance.
It’s been announced that a select committee has now been tasked with investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
In that regard, Fox News on-line reports that, “A senior House source with direct knowledge of the development of the committee indicated that Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is likely to be the chair." 
Gowdy is a second-term lawmaker, a former district attorney and federal prosecutor, and a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Having watched him frequently during televised hearings it seems he’s an excellent choice. He’s always well-prepared, very direct and focused. No doubt his legal training serves him quite well in the area of obtaining relevant information from those he deposes. 
So, while Dems' may want to ignore this committee, downplaying its worth, with someone like Representative Gowdy at the helm, their ignorance not only isn’t bliss but more likely a looming major disaster.  
That’s it for today folks.

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