Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Today’s items illustrate what may be a changing tide for the Dem party, and the incumbent in particular.
According to Fox a bipartisan bill making it easier to uncover abuses and fire officials at the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs easily passed in the House last week. Even Nancy Pelosi, along with 388 colleagues of both party’s, voted for it. 
However, Senators Harry Reid and Bernie Sanders [I-Vt.] blocked the same bill in the Senate, which could be a huge mistake. Because this situation concerns a group that’s served the nation without question, with personal risk at the highest possible levels, up to and including their very lives. Which means there’s no political aspect to the legislation at all.
Nonetheless, these two self-serving hacks are insinuating politics anyway, thereby further highlighting their primary interest in partisanship, regardless that a vast majority of the voting public has the proper perspective, wishing to see that military veterans always promptly receive the medical care and attention they so greatly deserve.        
On another subject, the Washington Post reported the incumbent’s latest position on Afghanistan writing that that, “The Afghan decision would be understandable had Mr. Obama’s previous choices proved out. But what’s remarkable is that the results also have been consistent — consistently bad. Iraq has slid into something close to civil war, with al-Qaeda retaking territory that U.S. Marines once died to liberate. In Syria, al-Qaeda has carved out safe zones that senior U.S. officials warn will be used as staging grounds for attacks against Europe and the United States. Libya is falling apart, with Islamists, secularists, military and other factions battling for control.”
Aside from encapsulating the significant foreign policy mistakes made to date, what stands out about this one is that the source is a newspaper that’s ordinarily highly supportive of the incumbent, regardless. Therefore, if you add this now bipartisan opinion about world affairs to the horrendous errors made here at home, it seems like the walls are finally crumbling in the protective media like they should have all along.
Along the same lines, notes that “Receiving tepid applause and a short standing ovation from less than one-quarter of the audience upon his introduction [at the West Point graduation ceremony], Obama argued for a contradictory foreign policy that relies on NATO and the United Nations while insisting that 'America must always lead on the world stage.”
Aside from the fact that the incumbent used an occasion that should have been about the graduates exceptional academic performance to date to instead pushing a self-serving political platform, it was obvious by their lackluster reaction to his presence that the majority in attendance couldn’t have cared less about him or whatever his message was.
After the contradictory opening, the double-talk continued, whereas, “Indeed, Obama's central foreign policy argument on Wednesday was that while he 'believe[s] in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being,' American leadership in his administration will continue to consist of working through international coalitions.”
So, what that means is that America will lead by becoming a member of a group, which is like saying we’re going to do it my way, unless others disagree with my decisions.
Then there was his statement that, “'You will embody what it means for America to lead,' which apparently doesn’t mean very much if he’s in charge of the nation, whereas, “Republicans in Congress have consistently argued that Obama has weakened the United States. Polls in Europe and elsewhere indicate that citizens of foreign nations have lowered their opinions of the United States since he took office.”
Therefore, West Point graduates groomed to attain positions of leadership here and abroad, were addressed by a chief executive of the nation who not only never effectively led anything in his life, but has also taken the country backward in the eyes of the world.
That’s it for today folks.

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