Saturday, May 31, 2014


The first thought when reading about White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney’s, resignation yesterday was news anchor Howard Beale in the movie Network,  tearing his hair out and screaming, “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

Beale then thrashes around on the stage, and drops to the floor in a coma. The only difference between Carney and Beale is that Carney probably did it off-screen.

Whether it was now being forced to defend the fiasco surrounding the scandal in the VA system, promoting the climate change farce, aiding the Benghazi fabrications, denying the shrinking economy, covering up the ruination of foreign policy, shielding power abuses by the IRS, evading Russia’s regaining international status, promoting dependency on others for fossil fuels, or simply exhaustion caused by constantly protecting an incompetent boss, even the dyed in the wool Kool Aid drinker must have finally worn out.

However, in leaving the post, the payback now begins. Which will likely include significant checks for appearances, perhaps consultancy gigs and maybe a book that will get a seven figure advance although no one may ever read it except Steven Spielberg and Whoopi Goldberg.

As for myself, things won’t change at all. Because, regardless of whatever flack winds up in the press secretary’s spot for this administration, I’ll still do what I did when Carney was there and continue to either change the channel or turn the TV sound off.

That’s it for today folks.


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