Friday, May 16, 2014


It’s very common for politicians to promote farces for personal or political benefit, because after all, their entire existence depends completely on what they can sell to those that can help then with votes, cash, or anything else that they can beg, borrow or steal.
However, one of the most pleasurable things that can happen for one who observes politicians mistruths is when they’re caught lying outright or otherwise distorting facts. And today’s one where Mother Nature, no less, blew a hole you could push a battleship through in the global warming farce by simply performing as she’s done throughout history.
Ian Hanchett of Breitbart TV on-line reports that “McHenry and DeKalb Counties, IL were hit with a surprise snowfall earlier this morning as low pressure swept into the area. Even though the Chicago area usually hits the 70s this time of year, the temperatures aren’t forecasted to get above the 50s.  The snow isn’t the latest snowfall Chicago has ever received. In 1910, snow fell on June 2.  The last time Chicago received measurable snowfall in May was in 1989.”
Mr. Hanchett went on that: “Chicago isn’t the only place with uncharacteristic cold today. The National Weather Service has forecasted “unseasonably low temperatures across parts of the Midwest and northern Plains Friday morning, with overnight lows 10-15 degrees below normal” and “frost advisories and freeze warnings are in effect across the region.”
However, what Mother Nature also proved is that aside from tiring of people trying to enrich themselves by fabricating tales about her behavior, she has a sense of humor and irony too. Because the place she picked to totally disprove environmentalist's theory’s about global warming happens to be the incumbent’s home town.
Then, for those who follow the ranting's of the incredibly boring Harry Reid and are aware of his newest scapegoat, the brothers Koch, a new poll shows that while most voters don’t even know who Reid is, even less have heard of his current targets.
Kathleen Hunter of Bloomberg on-line writes that: “A George Washington University poll conducted March 16-20 found that almost half of likely voters nationwide -- 41 percent -- hadn’t heard of or had no opinion of Reid, while 35 percent held an unfavorable view of him. Almost two-thirds of likely voters -- 63 percent -- weren’t aware of or had no opinion of the Koch brothers, while 25 percent viewed them unfavorably, according to the same poll.”
And, “A Gallup Poll released yesterday showed that 32 percent of Americans hadn’t heard of Reid, while 41 percent held unfavorable views of him. That survey was conducted April 24-30.”
So, what the statistics indicate is that although Reid has a relatively low profile for a major public figure, of those who do know who he is, a significant percentage of them don’t like him at all.  
Then, on Wednesday, I noted that Bill Clinton’s former Press Secretary, Mike McCurry, might have floated a trial balloon by suggesting that Bill’s wife might decide not to run for president in 2016 because her life was so fulfilling as a private citizen.
Now, today, Thomas Lifson of the American Thinker writes that “Bill Clinton did more today than defend his wife, Hillary Clinton, from recent accusations leveled by GOP strategist Karl Rove that she suffered brain damage after falling in December 2012.
The former president revealed that his wife’s injury “required six months of very serious work to get over,” he said during a question-and-answer session at the Peterson Foundation in Washington.”
Mr. Lifson then quotes Bill saying, “They went to all this trouble to say she had staged what was a terrible concussion that required six months of very serious work to get over. It’s something she never low-balled with the American people, never tried to pretend it didn’t happen.”
However, “Bill Clinton’s timeline appears to differ from official comments from the State Department at the time.” Because spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, told reporters at a State Department briefing Jan. 7, 2013, about a month after Hillary Clinton’s fall and concussion occurred: “Judging by the woman we saw this morning and the workload that she’s got she seems to be fully recovered.”
Thus, judging from both Clinton’s past performance, it’s certainly questionable as to which story’s the truth. But, it nonetheless seems extremely possible that Bill’s comments yesterday about the seriousness of his wife's injuries are one more step toward her deciding to pass on a presidential run.
That’s it for today folks.

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