Thursday, May 1, 2014


Another bad day for the incumbent, Bill Clinton’s wife and their allies in the mainstream media.
Brigadier General. Robert Lovell, retired intelligence director at AFRICOM, testified this morning before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. His most damaging statement, that likely surprised no one who closely followed the situation from the start, sharply countered claims that the intelligence community and military initially thought this was a protest over an anti-Islam video gone awry. He said U.S. officials knew this was a "hostile action" from the outset, even though they didn't know how long the attack would last. 
Saying, "This was no demonstration gone terribly awry. The facts led to the conclusion of a terrorist attack," under questioning, he also said the Internet video was "briefly discussed" on the ground but "dismissed" as a motive shortly afterward. 
So, what the general’s testimony further proves is that the current administration is composed almost entirely of political hacks, continually choosing fabrication over facts because it’s only objective is gaining and retaining elective office. Therefore, the needs of the nation and its citizens is always outweighed by personal and political gain of party members.
And lest we forget, the Benghazi fable, strongly presented by then U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, came right before the 2012 election which the incumbent won largely due to his false assertions about his signature health care tax. The most infamous of those claims being the promise time and again, that “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” That one earned him WaPo’s biggest Pinocchio of the year award, and also was named PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year.” 
In the meantime, while the White House claims that 28 percent of young enrollees that are needed to compensate costs for older, sicker Americans in the marketplace, those 18 to 35 year olds haven’t written the checks quite yet. The House Committee on Energy and Commerce says only 25 percent of younger individuals have paid their bill so far.  
And then, while gasoline nears $4 a gallon at the pump, Mike Emanuel of Fox News on-line writes: “With several red-state Democrats facing tough re-elections in November, Majority Leader Harry Reid is under pressure to have the Senate vote to kickstart the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline. 
Reid would undoubtedly prefer a non-binding "sense of the Senate" resolution -- a measure voicing support for the pipeline with no real teeth -- to give his members political cover without forcing the issue on the White House.”
Thus, here we have another case where politics overrides needs of citizens. And while everyday folks are deciding whether to purchase food or fuel with their limited funds, billionaire environmentalists have bought the incumbent once again as he lets the Keystone approval lay unsigned on his desk. 
However, whereas after a two year cover-up the Benghazi facts are finally reaching the surface, and the health care tax continues to crumble under its own weight, voters are very unlikely to be hoodwinked again next November when they’ll vote Republican in droves.  
That's it for today folks.

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