Friday, November 9, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/9/2012

No matter how Republicans attempt to recover from the shellacking they took on Tuesday, one thing is now crystal clear. The electorate’s split almost exactly in half politically, and the incumbent's unwavering campaign rhetoric made clear  that he fully expects the have’s to support the have not’s regardless of any and all economic damage wreaked upon the have’s by his unwavering efforts to “level the playing field.”
So, it seems to me that if the have’s wish to preserve what they earn and however else have amassed, they now have to react quickly and effectively whereas they simply can’t afford to wait another four years, hoping to win next time. Thus, the question becomes what to do right now and in what manner.
To that extent, I think we’re already seeing evidence of particular steps, such as the relocation of over-burdened productive Californians now moving in droves to industry attractive, low tax-based places like North Carolina and Texas. Similarly, the last census showed that large cities typically house  left-leaning populations while upper scale suburbs indicate the reverse.
What the changing demographics say to me is that although I doubt there’ll be another civil war wherein the entire nation divides in two along geographical lines, this time around I expect there will be localized demarcation lines such as the democrat isle of Manhattan versus the more right-leaning suburbs of New York state. And in that way, across the entire country I think it’s likely large left-focused cities will similarly be surrounded by more conservative thinking suburbs.
However, I sense the geographic population shift is only a visible indication of where the nation’s heading politically. Because although productive types and higher earners may choose to live outside city lines or other venues altogether, they’re still going to be expected to financially support those who live within them. And there’s the rub. Because I expect there'll soon be a time where they become fed up, put their collective feet down and refuse to pay up their hard-earned bucks to support those who choose to sponge. And that to me spells revolution.
I have absolutely no idea what form or shape the coming financial revolt will take, I only know there’s going to be one because it has to happen. Fundamental logic dictates to me that there has to be a point where earners completely tire of carrying those who don’t, and government edicts of any type will be rejected. However, refusal to obey those edicts individually will accomplish nothing because the government's too strong.
And that means banding together, forming of groups, perhaps another tea party like the one in 1773 against the British due to taxation without representation. Because, even though the Republican party’s supposed to be representing those carrying the heaviest financial burden, considering the totally inept job they do they might as well not exist.
That’s it for today folks.

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