Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/20/2012

Just looked at an on-line recap of a segment from Rush’s show yesterday that started with him saying, “Okay, folks, there's a headline that is attached to a column that ran yesterday in the New York Times, I guess in the Week in Review section. And here's the headline: "Is Rush Limbaugh's Country Gone? It's by Thomas B. Edsall.”
The segment's quite long, covers lot’s of detail regarding the past election, and offers rationales, excuses, justifications and various illustrations of why the Republicans lost. However, as I plowed through the rhetoric it became even more clear to me as to why that tragedy happened.
As I’ve mentioned many times in the past, I have no political affiliation whatsoever, and the only thing I want from government is protection, be it militarily or local police, and the roads plowed after a snowstorm.  As far as everything else in my life goes, I’d prefer to take care of all that myself, and even if I did need help here and there, I’d never seek the assistance of a politician. To me that’s like looking for intellect from a tree stump.
So, as I read along in Rush’s column he began mentioning all sorts of social issues and positions taken by the Republican party, and why they’re better or more beneficial than those of the Dem opponents, which when I thought about them made me realize that the party supposedly of freedom and liberty has as much peripheral, constraining ideology as their rivals. It’s simply packaged in different flavors.
And that’s when one of my current beliefs was confirmed once again.
Because I don’t imagine my thoughts and aims are much different than others who simply want to pursue their own goals unhampered by any kind of outside influence, be it governmental or any other entity whatsoever. And that was always the claim of the Republican effort. However, they’ve somehow morphed into something else over time, which has loaded them down with all sorts of ideology’s and political baggage that’s as distasteful and anti-free thought as their competition.
Consequently, I’m now pretty sure that thinking, productive, self-supporting, industrious types are simply going to go into hiding from an income producing point of view and do as our founders did and fend for themselves. Then, in time, when both major parties go broke and self-destruct the producers will resurface, regroup, rebuild and go on from there. And the best part is, the helpless. hopeless, worthless bottom 50% of the voting population likely won’t get a cent from the top and simply evaporate politically speaking. Or, perhaps the incumbent and his Hollywood friends will support them themselves and financially tap out in the process.
That’s it for today folks.

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