Thursday, November 15, 2012

BloggeRhythms 11/15/2102

Over the past few days, I’ve been getting a growing sense that the election results are finally beginning to take hold, Whereas up to now, it's seemed that most of the folks I know are in some kind of aftershock, not really believing yet that the incumbent’s actually going to stay in office.
And along those lines I also think many folks are just now coming around to considering several matters which now have to be dealt with differently, since Mitt Romney won’t be there to help.
Among the current issues are things like finding the truths of what actually happened in Benghazi. Although four American lives were lost, the actual cause of those deaths has yet to be presented without conflicting answers to a considerable number of questions. In time, after various congressional groups and committees probe for answers, perhaps the facts will ultimately surface, however from a credibility perspective the administration keeps losing ground and the public’s faith.
Then there’s the matter of the incumbent’s absolute insistence on raising taxes via the “fiscal cliff” whereby the “rich” will be forced to pay higher rates. And this is where I think another terrible mistake’s being made due to either politics, dislike of the successful, or outright economic ignorance.
As far as those affected by the tax rate hikes go, they represent the working half of the voting population and therefore pay just about all of the nation’s bills. In that regard, the larger business entities will simply pass on the increased costs to their customers and the market place, competition, and buying public will determine how much those company’s get away with
But, on the other hand there’s the huge group of small businesses', local entities and entrepreneurs whom I believe are going to carefully analyze the rising costs of taxes and reevaluate whether or not their hard work is worth it if the government insists on taking more from them.
I also think the forgoing will be especially true because the tax money’s needed due to government mismanagement, fiscal incompetence, and the redistribution of hard-earned income to myriads of leeches who contribute absolutely nothing to the economy at all.
Consequently, I don’t have any idea at the moment of what form a tax revolt will take, or precisely when it will occur. But I strongly feel that it will happen because it has to. The government’s simply too slow, too inept and far too ignorant to stay ahead of those who are successful businesswise. And the resounding proof of that is the incumbent’s insistence on penalizing those who accomplish something instead of truly seeking their help, financial wisdom and advice.
However, I sense that this time around he’s going to take the worthless half of the population down with him while the truly productive will survive quite well in whatever financial fashion or mode they decide to create for themselves. Because the government's forcing them to go it alone and they will.
That’s it for today folks.

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