Saturday, July 26, 2014


As time rapidly passes, the administration’s long-term strategy for the Middle-East becomes more apparent with the desired result seeming to be a weakened, stranded Israel left alone to defend itself.
The incumbent’s flunky, John Kerry, has been unable to strike a deal satisfactory to both warring sides. He’s been attempting to get Israel to stand down, back-off its desires for enough time to destroy Hamas’ tunnels permitting surreptitious entry of the enemy into the country, and stop defending itself while their enemy rebuilds militarily.
However, to truly understand the White House’s overall goals, one must take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Because while the U.S. attempts are made at a cease-fire detrimental to Israel in the region, here at home legislation’s been proposed by Democrats that will likely hinder, delay or prevent Israel from re-arming its Iron-Dome missile defense system, seriously endangering the nation further.
Therefore, little by little, step by carefully-coordinated step, Israel will soon be the only free nation in the region, standing not only alone amongst its current enemies without true U.S. support, but soon to face a nuclear-armed Iran. Because the incumbent refuses to take serious action preventing that nation from continuing its nuclear program.
All of which falls neatly into place with the goals of the incumbent’s religious advisor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who endorses the “March to Jerusalem” a massive campaign designed to send anti-Israel partisans across Israel’s borders and into Jerusalem. 
Thus, while each individual U.S. step to date has been detrimental to Israel in its own way, none have truly been accidental or forced by unforeseen occurrences. Because while Israel's enemies may seem to have taken advantage of opportunities as they’ve arisen, those opportunities were not only well-known to the U.S. for quite some time, they may very well have been planned from the outset.
That's it for today folks.

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