Sunday, June 23, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/23/2013

A couple of this morning's items made me realize that while trying to avoid repetition, some things really do call for additional emphasis.
In that regard, to set the premise I’ll begin with George Will’s thought in his recent Washington Post column that The question of whether Barack Obama’s second term will be a failure was answered in the affirmative before his Berlin debacle, which has recast the question, which now is: Will this term be silly, even scary in its detachment from reality?”
As an example of “detachment from reality,” Will included the following comment wherein the incumbent “vowed energetic measures against global warming (“the global threat of our time”). The 16-year pause of this warming was not predicted by, and is not explained by, the climate models for which, in his strange understanding of respect for science, he has forsworn skepticism.”
So, despite the fact, as Will noted, that there’s been no scientific evidence of any kind of climate change for the past sixteen years, this morning Fox reported that “President Obama said Saturday that scientists must design new fuels and energy sources to curb carbon pollution, part of a larger plan that he will announce next week that is expected to include efforts to regulate emissions from coal-fired power plants.  
The president says in an online video that his plan includes preparing the United States for the effects of such pollution, which has been connected to climate change, and leading other nations in such efforts.”
At the same time, although today’s oil extraction methods have proven to be environmentally safe, and the White House insists the State Department is making the decision independently, the Keystone XL pipeline that would carry oil extracted from tar sands in western Canada to refineries along the Texas Gulf Coast is still being held up.
So, thanks to the incumbent’s continual pandering to supporters and lobbyists, billions more will be wasted on technologies to combat a totally fictional environmental threat, “climate-change,” while artificially increased fuel costs continue to curtail economic growth for absolutely no valid reason.
Consequently, the answer to George Will’s question: “Will this term be silly, even scary in its detachment from reality?” is a definitive “Yes” to both parts.
Then, not to be outdone in rampant Dem abuses of power, according to Matthew Boyle, of via Drudge, “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) have inserted a provision that amounts to little more than a handout to Las Vegas casinos into the repackaged immigration reform bill.”
Mr. Boyle writes that: “This provision, a brazen example of crony capitalism, was inserted into the immigration law enforcement section of the bill despite the fact that it has nothing whatsoever to do with "immigration" or "law enforcement."
Since the whole article’s worth reading, I’ve included a link: Reid, Heller Slip In Las Vegas Tourism Handout
In conclusion, I find it amazing that we have the so-called leader of the free world either living in some kind of bubble totally detached from reality or being somehow paid off by extremists to the extent that seeming demented is worth it.
And then we have the Senate majority leader who doesn’t even bother with double-talk, subterfuge or hyperbole, he’s just a flat-out, bought and paid for crook. But, then again, since prostitutes are perfectly legal in Las Vegas, he fits right in.
Nonetheless though, I’m very thankful for both of these poor excuses for humanity and look forward to each and every thing they do. Because finding subject matter isn’t easy and if they weren’t around, these pages would be blank. Because folks who do things correctly, ethically, and follow the rules are usually pretty boring and dull to write about.
That’s it for today folks.

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