Sunday, June 16, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/16/2013

Yesterday, I mentioned the incumbent’s costly family trip smoke-screened around the upcoming G8 meeting in Northern Ireland. And then, just now, I came across another incredible waste of taxpayer bucks, which during this time of sequestration is beyond the imagination.
According to Dave Boyer of the The Washington Times on-line, via Drudge, from June 26 to July 3rd, the family will travel again. This time to Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa. According to a “confidential planning document” the Washington Post reported that the trip will cost between  60 and 100 million dollars.
Mr. Boyer’s details state that “The excursion will involve military cargo planes airlifting 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines, and three trucks to carry bulletproof glass panels to cover the windows where the first family is set to stay. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship with a fully staffed medical trauma center will be stationed offshore in case of an emergency.”
Additionally, “Fighter jets will fly in shifts to provide around-the-clock protection over the president’s airspace. The trip will reportedly involve hundreds of Secret Service agents.”
At the same time, in another article, the same website reported that “The Ohio Department of Insurance predicts premiums in 2014 will rise by 88 percent, a direct result of President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”
Average premium cost of $420, represents an increase of 88 percent compared to 2013, the department reported.
And then, I found this item from the same source, The Washington Times, by Cheryl K. Chumley back on April 29, when she wrote that “President Obama logged more hours on the golf course and on vacation than he did in meetings on the economy, a new report from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute found."
The “Presidential Calendar: A Time-Based Analysis” used official White House calendar entries through March 2013 to compute how Mr. Obama has spent his time in office, Breitbart reported. And the GAI findings on the president’s leisure may have been underestimated.
Mr. Obama said in a previous interview on CBS that each golf outing lasted six hours. The report authors only estimated four hours per round, Breitbart reported.”
Putting these three items together with the totally frivolous family trip to G8 in Ireland, I have to repeat something I ask relatively often. And that question is: How incredibly dumb do Dem’s have to be continue to support someone whose proven day after day, hour by hour that he cares about no one but himself, and perhaps, his family?
And what has he really accomplished, other than single-handedly strangling the economy, abandoning the Middle-East to myriad civil unrest, including cold-shouldering Israel,  bailing out businesses for political reasons and cronyism, spending billions on global warming that doesn’t exist, raising taxes and stifling growth, socializing health care through taxes that are killing the system while increasing its costs, pushing the national debt to $17 trillion while urging numerous agencies to stifle free markets, drastically curtailing economic growth, while simultaneously forcing Americans to depend on foreign oil? 
Now, although all the preceding should be enough to give any Dem’s capable of thinking, something to wonder about, even that isn't enough for a self-server like the incumbent. Because he not only refuses to let anyone but his closest allies thrive, he constantly travels luxuriously on the taxpayer’s dime, rubbing his constituents noses in it every time.
That’s it for today folks.

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