Tuesday, June 18, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/18/2013

Looks like the incumbent’s outrageously expensive trip to Ireland produced pretty much what should be expected…zip, zero, nada. In fact, the very important face-to-face meeting with Soviet President Putin would probably have produced the same results had it been done in a long-distance call from the White House, at a cost of a couple of WATs line bucks or on a cheap pre-paid throw-away cell phone.  
According to Patrick Wintour of guardian.co.uk, via Drudge: “Hopes that the G8 summit would set out a clear route map to end the bloody civil war in Syria have been dashed after Vladimir Putin insisted he could not back a peace conference convened on the assumption that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, would step down.”
However, I doubt it matters very much as to what the soviet leader presented as an excuse for disagreement, there was little hope for cooperation whereas at this point, the whole world knows that with the incumbent at the helm the U.S. will no longer get involved beyond empty threats with no viable enforcement behind them.
In that regard, according to former U.N. Ambassador, John Bolton on Fox News this morning, the time for serious action was two years ago which would have changed the scenario in our favor. But the incumbent took a political route instead, pleasing his constituents by staying out. Consequently, Mr. Bolton thinks that right now is so late in the game, that no matter what we do it won’t really help the situation and any advantage we had was lost.
Along the same lines, and true to the Incumbent’s course, Mr. Wintour’s article further reports that after the Putin washout “Obama portrayed himself as a reluctant participant saying: We know what it's like to rush into a war in the Middle East without having thought it through," he said in obvious reference to the war in Iraq.”
So, no matter the situations, or where in the world they take place, the be all and end all for the incumbent is purely political regardless of what’s at stake. And just as it was with Slick Willy in office, I have to wonder what you need either of them for. Because all that matters to both is poll results. So why not let Rasmussen run the nation and shut down the executive branch completely, whereas it’s totally useless and far too costly when the nation’s $17 trillion underwater?
That’s it for today folks.

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