Monday, June 17, 2013

BloggeRhythms 6/17/2013

As media coverage heats up, regarding use of the IRS to deter and delay political rivals as well as harassing members of the press via the Justice Department, it seems to me that the administration’s credibility and trustworthiness have completely evaporated. 
In thinking these situations through, as well as those mentioned yesterday involving the strangling of the economy, abandoning the Middle-East, cold-shouldering Israel,  bailing out businesses for political reasons and cronyism, spending billions on non-existent global warming, higher taxes, stifled business growth, socializing health care and increasing its costs, pushing the national debt to $17 trillion and using various agencies to stifle free markets, drastically curtailing economic growth, although immense damage has already been done, by its actions to date, the administration's gone well beyond the ordinarily lame duck stage, having no real influence left whatsoever.

And if that’s truly the case, as unprofessional, repulsive and selfish as the incumbent’s current activities are, for the type of person he is, they make significant sense. Because since he’s not believable, why bother to attempt swaying all but the densest among us with words? And since most previous decisions have been wrong, why waste time making new ones? Which brings us to leadership, which has never been shown, and therefore can’t possibly be missed at all. 
Therefore, taking the family and hitting the road overseas seems to be the perfect decision at this point, since there’s nothing to be gained by anyone by his hanging around here. 
But the trip to Ireland itself sets an example of how Dem’s in general regard their positions, responsibilities and constituents. Because it was Willy Clinton who showed his deep respect for the American people and their icon, the White House, while he abused Monica Lewinsky there, setting an example for all to live by. 
And now we have the incumbent leaving the economic destitution he created behind while according to Mark O'Regan, of Dublin’s via Drudge: “A mini army of Shelbourne Hotel staff were giving the front facade of the famous old building a final wipe down – as GardaĆ­ (police force of the Republic of Ireland) and American Secret Service agents hovered in the background.

And an array of prototype American Secret Service officers – complete with dark suits sunglasses and ear pieces – discretely kept a watchful an eye on arrivals and departures. 
No expense has been spared in catering for the comforts of Mrs. Obama and her party. It is understood she will stay in the luxurious €2,500-a-night Princess Grace suite. 
It is understood a total of 30 rooms in the five-star, 265-bedroom hotel, have been booked for the visit of Mrs. Obama and her entourage. During their stay in Dublin, Mrs. Obama and her daughters will visit Trinity College where they will view the Book of Kells.”
So, at this point, and considering the state of our economy I guess the real question isn’t to wonder if the incumbent ever thinks before he acts, but instead to ponder if he ever thinks at all.
That's it for today folks.

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