Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BloggeRhythms 9/27/2011

Picked this blurb up on the web this morning.

Rush Limbaugh's sidekick, Snerdly, apparently told Rush that the president told a "rediscovered black audience to take off their bedroom slippers, put on their marching shoes, shake it off, stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We've got work to do. We have to press on." Then Snerdly commented; How utterly sad.

I mention it because in recent weeks I've noted that wherever the president goes, whatever he does or whoever he addresses, he's either put his foot in his mouth, been on the wrong side of the issues, made the wrong move or done something that makes no sense, political or otherwise.

All of this leads me to conclude that either he's the most incompetent occupant the White House has ever had, if he's made all these errors himself, or has gathered an incredible array of completely unqualified stooges around him if not. Whichever it is, the mistakes are horrendous and almost too widespread to be believed..yet the damage that's been done is certainly true.

So, my question for today is: Why would he do what he does? Because his actions seem aimless. There's no constituency he hasn't harmed greatly, whether it's workers, busineses, the military, investors, health care providers, unions, educators, just about every race and religious persuasion and almost anyone else you can think of in all walks of life.

And I can certainly understand folks who want to see the United States humbled, or even entirely blown off the map, and surely realize some of their hatred exists because they've been raised in cultures that truly want us done in. But, in the president's case, I simply wonder what it is that causes his despising us all so greatly, and exactly what it was that we did to him.

That's it for today folks.


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