Saturday, September 17, 2011

BloggeRhythms 9/17/2011

Today's comments regard the quality of education in the U.S., a real hot button of mine. Because I sincerely believe our kids have been taught virtually nothing for many years now in schools, particularly those that are public.

And I remember distinctly as my career progressed quite rapidly years ago, that when people asked me what I primarily attributed my success to, I'd tell them it was the educational system. Because it was that system that was teaching most of those I competed with for business, and therefore I rarely lost to any of them. In fact, it was frequently disappointing because beating them took almost no effort, and was almost like stealing. Nonetheless, I accepted the easy wins and never apologized as I ate my competitor's lunch.

As far as my own education was concerned, I too sat through the required process but really didn't learn very much of use. Hence I realized early on that in order to learn almost anything well, you had to find ways to educate yourself. So I found mentors in all walks of life who were willing to help me, be it in business, social aspects of life and just about everything else. That way I learned from folks in the real world, rather than glorified baby sitters who were merely parrots repeating idealistic, non-existent, re-shaped worthless pap.

But, in retrospect it wasn't all the individual teacher's faults, because it was the Board's of Education and primarily the unions that built breeding grounds for a population of steadily weakening incompetents. Consequently the curriculum's had to be continually simplified and watered down, or else the so-called "teachers" wouldn't comprehend it themselves.

I use this preamble because of something I saw on the web this morning.

Now that the administration's been caught red-handed in the growing Solyndra loan guarantee scandal, they're scrambling and scurrying like cornered rats searching for ways to blame somebody else. And, naturally that leads back to "W" Bush.

What they've come up with is a memo that indeed proves that Solyndra was reviewed by the previous administration, and are using that as evidence that they simply completed a transaction left over from their predecessors and are thus not at fault.

However, earlier this week, Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee released a Jan. 13, 2009 email in which Bush Energy official Lachlan Seward wrote: "After canvassing the [Energy Department's credit] committee it was the unanimous decision not to engage in further discussions with Solyndra at this time."

Now, after reading that statement even I clearly understand that Bush's folks wanted no part of Solyndra at that time and definitively decided not to proceed. Therefore, anyone concluding the statement was an endorsement has serious comprehension challenges and has never learned to properly read.

So, the only conclusion I can come to in this case is that the administration's inability to understand what the Bush memo said results from the lack of education in the U.S. and the fact that our schools teach practically nothing at all.

That's it for today folks.


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