Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BloggeRhythms 4/28/2010

First thing this morning, I turned up the thermostat. When I looked outside, it was overcast again and likely to rain. So, the only May flowers this springs April showers are going to bring are Ice Plants. Yesterday I suspected that next year Al Gore was going to go into the sweater and overcoat business to capitalize on global cooling and I hope he sells some to me, because I'm sitting here freezing my tail off.

I spoke to a friend yesterday who told me that I seem to start off a lot of my entries by stating that this isn't a political blog, or sports blog, or whatever kind of particular blog, and then go into some story about one of those subjects.

The reason I do that, I replied, is because I don't want this site to become focused on any particular subject, but, if there's something interesting or timely in any of those areas, I like to comment about it. Furthermore, regardless of party or affiliation politicians do plenty of things worth talking about, and sports folks shoot themselves in the foot almost every day too, literally and figuratively speaking, so they make good subject matter, too. Beyond that, we live in a world at the moment wherein politics and sports make up about 99.8% of the news.

Additionally, I really don't want these entries of mine to become too serious, because I'm not that credentialed a writer, so things like politics fit that bill too, because just about everything politicians say or do is a joke. In fact, the only thing that isn't funny about politicians to me is that every time they open their mouths it costs every taxpayer lot's more of their hard-earned money.

As far as laughable goes one doesn't have to go far to illustrate the point. Just conjure up images of Schumer, Pelosi, Waxman, Reed and Frank, to name a few. Watching them file into a room is just like opening the door on one of those little clown cars in the circus and seeing them trip all over each other as they try to come through.

While writing this last sentence, something occurred to me that might protect us all and save us tons of money, too. If it was made mandatory that to enter congressional meetings attendees had to do so in alphabetical order, the vast majority of congress would likely have to stay out in the hall a very long time, maybe forever, until they figured out how to line up. Who knows, maybe a whole two years might go by and then, we could watch a whole new batch of electees try.

Now I know I left a slew of names off my dummies list and there's a reason for that also. The Republicans have been pushed so far out of the picture that they don't matter at all and Joe Biden is in a class by himself. He not only wouldn't make it into the room, it's doubtful he'd find the hall.

That's it for today folks.


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