Monday, June 21, 2010

BloggeRhythms 6/21/2010

Been a long day today, lot's of personal stuff to do. But, I didn't want to skip the entry, because something's occured to me.

We've been watching oil pour out of the sea for a couple of months now. And this is only 1 (one) well. There are thousands and thousands of others. Because it seems there's about 5 million barrels per day produced in the U.S. from about 510,000 oil wells, averaging 10.5 barrels per well per day for a total of about 5,355,000 all told. That's more than half of all the producing oil wells in the world.

The country with the most wells, after the U.S., is Russia at about 110,000; then China with around 80,000, and Canada with 68,000. The world's total of producing oil wells is about 880,000. Saudi capacity, at about 8-9 million barrels per day, is from 1500 wells, that average more than 5,000 barrels per well per day.

I wouldn't even have looked this data up if it wasn't for the oil spill. But, now that I have, where does all our oil go to? And, why have the Arabs held us up at the pumps for so many years? We've been paying through the nose in what seems is a totally manipulated market and maybe this spill will shake people up. Because there's more oil under the U.S. than anyone could ever dream up what to with.

So, the good news is that now maybe folks will start to wake up and smell the coffee (which is only about a hundred dollars a pound if you do the arithmetic, but that's another story.) So, let's all hold our breaths and pray that as bad as this fiasco in the Gulf is, maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. And, if that light isn't powered by oil, maybe it won't go out.

That's it for today folks.


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