Monday, October 26, 2015


A few days after Joe Biden announced he wasn’t going to seek the Democrat presidential nomination, he appeared on CBS's "60 Minutes." Sunday.
According to the Associated Press via, Biden said: “I've said from the beginning, 'Look, I like Hillary. Hillary and I get along together. The only reason to run is because ... I still think I could do a better job than anybody else could do."
Thus, while declaring that he had taken himself out of the running, he took the opportunity to tell viewers that he still thinks he’s better suited to the presidency than Bill’s wife is.
This comment came after noting earlier at the at the White House event where he announced his decision that, as far as bickering in Washington politics is concerned: “I don't think we should look at Republicans as our enemies." That statement directly refuted Bill’s wife statement to that effect during the Democratic presidential debate earlier this month. 
"That wasn't directed at Hillary," Biden told "60 Minutes.” That was a reference to Washington, all of Washington."
So, for a guy who claims he has no interest in running for president, he’s appeared in public twice since his announcement. And both times threw harpoons at Bill’s wife for no visible reason. Unless he suspects, as do many other others, that her problems regarding her trustworthiness and honesty are far from over with a year left to go. 
On another issue, although  the Iran nuclear giveaway hasn’t been in the headlines recently, an article today shows that except to the administration and Democrat legislators that follow in lock step, this deal still makes no real sense whatsoever.   
Valerie Richardson, reports that, “Headlines about the GOP Senate’s failed battle to stop the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action had all but disappeared when Iran launched an Oct. 11 test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Suddenly foes of the deal were back in the news, accusing Iran of breaking the agreement.”
In that regard, on Oct. 21 a letter was signed by 11 Democratic senators stating that: “There must be no ambiguity in our willingness to enforce Iran’s obligations under UN resolutions and the JCPOA,” 
According to the article: “The episode exemplifies a worst-case scenario for Democrats as they head into next year’s election, namely that Iran will give Republicans ample “I-told-you-so” opportunities by breaking the agreement, violating other international sanctions or keeping the issue in the public eye with recurring acts of aggression or anti-U.S. rhetoric.”
Since Iran's’ actions were certainly to be expected by anyone possessing half a brain, the only remaining question is: What else would any rational politician, regardless of political affiliation, truly think was going to happen?
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, written by Mark Halperin, and presenting conclusions about her candidacy that sound delusional.  
Halperin writes: “But October has been good to Clinton: a glittering debate performance, the decision of potential rival Joe Biden not to run (greatly simplifying her path to the nomination), the vanquishing of Republicans during her daylong Benghazi hearing, and a solid turn at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson dinner Saturday night. All have improved Clinton’s odds of cruising into the White House twelve months hence, and have thrown into sharper relief some of the advantages she has had all along.”
Halperin’s conclusions notwithstanding, it’s not certain that Biden won’t show up again, depending on what Bill’s wife’s emails contain as they continue to be released to the public. As far as Benghazi goes, Republicans will likely bury her. Especially now that she’s been shown to be a liar. It’s just too early for them to waste the ammunition. And, as far as competition within her party goes, none of the other contenders had a chance in the first place.  
However, what’s even more ridiculous is Halperin’s concluding by writing: “But don’t be surprised if reports soon surface mirroring what happened almost exactly eight years ago, when Clinton asked top advisers to secretly begin planning her vice presidential selection process—and her presidential transition. Republicans would surely see those steps as wildly premature, but given all of Clinton’s advantages now, she may consider it simply prudent planning.”
Apparently, Halperin doesn’t recall that eight years ago, this guy, Barack Obama, came out of nowhere to bounce her completely out of the race. Which means that whether her planning is “prudent” or not, her current problems, compounded by what happened last time she ran, make the odds significantly lower. While at the same time offering opportunity to qualified others, such as: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz.
That’s it for today folks.

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