Thursday, January 15, 2015


Yesterday, it was noted here that the IRS’s concerns about its inability to handle the volume of tax refunds this year posed a potential problem with the president’s health care tax. Because if the agency can’t even handle its primary responsibility, administering taxation, how in the world can it possibly perform the huge additional work loads acceptably?    
And then, today Stephen Ohlemacher of AP Washington writes that, “Filing a federal tax return is about to get more complicated for millions of families because of President Barack Obama's health law. But they shouldn't expect much help from the Internal Revenue Service.
“Got a question for the IRS? Good luck reaching someone by phone. The tax agency says only half of the 100 million people expected to call this year will be able to reach a person. 
“Callers who do get through may have to wait on hold for 30 minutes or more to talk to someone who will answer only the simplest questions.”
However, this situation should come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever tried to work with or obtain information from any government agency, regardless. Because all those under the umbrella of government as an employer only operate at two speeds; slow and stop. 
On another issue, many conservatives are gravely concerned about John Boehner’s return as House Speaker. Their feeling is that he’s been in the position too long, has become part of the establishment and is now a RINO, siding with the opposition far too often. Especially in regard to his pushing the “Cromnibus” bill through recently.
Nonetheless, to the surprise of those same hard-liners, yesterday according to, “John Boehner created the first live-action high drama on the House floor Wednesday, staking out a no-compromise position on blocking Barack Obama's sweeping immigration plan and reading aloud 22 examples of the president's past claims that he lacked the authority to put it into action.
“Angering Democrats, the House speaker spoke during a floor debate to defend an amendment to the Homeland Security Department's budget bill that would forbid the cabinet agency from spending any money to implement it.
“Boehner openly mocked Obama for what he said was an effort to evade the U.S. Constitution, throwing in his face his past claims that he wasn't a 'king' or an 'emperor.'
“The Constitution explicitly gives Congress the power to control America's immigration policies.
Now, although Speaker Boehner’s tirade surprised those doubting his devotion to their cause, including El Rushbo who won’t be convinced of the speaker’s sincerity until he follows through completely, there’s a point all of them seem to be missing. Because, the speaker’s been doing what he does long enough to clearly grasp the point that, unless his party delivers what it’s voters desire, they not only won’t gain the presidency in 2016, he and his party members won’t be re-elected next time either.   
And finally, a note about another Republican hopeful. 
Fox reports that, “Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul warned Wednesday that another presidential run by Mitt Romney would not necessarily be good news for the GOP.
"The same old, same old has been tried," said Paul, who is weighing a 2016 bid himself. "And if we try the same thing again we might get the same result."
The most interesting thing about the senator’s commentary is his apparent concern about getting the same result if Mitt Romney runs again for president.
Yet, what the senator seems to miss, or avoid mentioning, is what the projected result would be if he himself were to be elected president. Because he hasn’t a whit of knowledge or understanding of what national leadership or management is all about whatsoever.
And if the voting public hasn’t learned anything over the past six years, one point is crystal clear. The presidency of the US isn’t the place for an unskilled amateur to try to obtain the skills and talents called for by the position. Which virtually eliminates the senator from presidential contention. 
That’s it for today folks.

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