Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BloggeRhythms 9/4/2102

Looking at the agenda for the Democrat national convention in Charlotte this week, key platform items are abortion and gay marriage rights and plans for higher taxes on the wealthy. There are also a slew of actors attending whom are getting significant press.
On the surface then, it would seem that there’s nothing going to be mentioned about some of the extremely serious problems facing the nation at all. Therefore, I did a quick check to see how the incumbent’s doing in some of the most important area’s of the economy and day to day aspects of average citizens lives.  
Under George W. Bush, in June 2006 the unemployment rate stood at 5.6%. Today it’s 8.1% for those still looking for jobs, and more than 14% overall when you add in those who’ve given up searching for work or are underemployed. Beyond that, the number of folks on some type of welfare grew from 24% of the population to 33%, equaling one out of every three.
On the incumbent’s inauguration day the cost of gasoline was $1.84 per gallon. Today it’s four bucks and climbing, as is the national debt which just hit $16 trillion dollars this morning. By comparison, the debt grew just under $4 trillion under W. in two terms, while it’s risen $4.9 trillion under the incumbent in less than one. in the meanwhile, however, 150,000 new unionized jobs have been added to the government rolls.
Then of course, we have the new health care tax that’s stifling hiring and added significantly to all citizens costs while lowering available medical services for the aging who need it most. So, I’m sure that’s a subject that’s taboo to discuss while beseeching for reelection.
Looking at all the preceding in retrospect, I guess it’s no wonder that actors are just about the only non-political types willing to attend. And that actually makes a lot of sense.
Because actor types are one’s who don’t seem to possess minds of their own. It’s agents who get them their jobs, negotiate their contracts, fees and perks, writers who put the words in their mouths, and directors who tell them how to perform in every aspect of endeavor. So, when you take their support system away, your left with people who’s minds are as empty as Clint’s chair or the average hanging suit.
And, as far as intellect goes, or the ability to analyze or comprehend for oneself, I truly think that if someone took the trouble to explain the realities of socialism’s dangers in simple language, even actors would be able to grasp the harm it presents. However, the way it works now is so good for the Dem cause, they’ll move heaven and earth rather than permit anyone to get close enough to the Hollywood set to teach them anything about reality at all.
That’s it for today folks.

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