Monday, May 3, 2010

BloggeRhythms 5/3/2010

Just came back from the supermarket There were only two bottles left of the Arizona Iced Tea we usually buy, everything else they make was sold out. Looks like the Sharpton boycott is working out well. For the Arizona Beverage people that is.

I think I might have been misunderstood regarding yesterday's entry. My wife thinks my writing was snide, chauvinistic and insulting to women.

What I was simply trying to illustrate was, I don't think auto racing qualifies as a sport, and I listed some reasons why. I also made a comparison to typical young mothers, whom I believe need far greater driving skills than any Indy driver to handle their vehicles as they do. I still wonder how many first place finishes any of those Indy guys would have if they had a car full of kids and pets, not to mention the interruption of cell-phone calls, bags full of groceries all over the seats, dry-cleaning bags flapping in the breeze and a trunk-full of loose games and toys rattling around behind them, making a racket.

But, now that I've been told that my comparison missed its point and is objectionable to women, I'm going to try to correct my errors. To do that let's replace the ladies with long-haul tractor-trailer drivers. These guys drive their forty-five foot long, eighteen wheelers on every kind of roadway surface imaginable in every kind of weather. And, they do it all day long, into the evening and night sometimes including the weekends. What's more, they have to arrive on time.

Then, when they've reached their destination, many of them have to participate in the handling of the freight, if not fully loading and unloading their rigs by themselves. And then, as if the stress and strain of their responsibility wasn't enough by itself, how much harder is it do when all you've eaten is food served by a roadside diner. Not to mention the additional hurdles presented when their haulage seems twice as large, due to consuming a six-pack or two.

So now readers have been presented two alternative examples which can be compared to auto-racing in so far as qualifying as a sport is concerned. And, while humbly apologizing to women again for allegedly denigrating them in a chauvinistic manner, I nonetheless still think that they should be included with long-haul male truck drivers regarding how much more real athletic skill they require than the guys driving in circles at Indy.

That's it for today folks.


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