Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I’ve mentioned Scott Walker quite a few times over the past couple of years. He got significant attention from the press when he took on the unions in his state, Wisconsin. And again when he was forced into a recall election during his second term, meaning he won three elections in four years. Last Friday, January 30th, I wrote about the outstanding job he did at the Iowa Freedom Summit, wowing the crowd. 

Then, yesterday, Rush said,  “I'm telling you, this is why Scott Walker is running away with every Republican poll right now.  The consultant class doesn't get it. The Republican establishment doesn't understand it. They're scratching their heads, what's Walker done?  They do not get it.  They don't understand.  For two years I have been ballyhooing Scott Walker, not personally, but here's a guy not only has he drawn the blueprints for beating the left -- what are blueprints?  They are designs for building something.  Well, he's built the house. He wrote the blueprints and he built the building.  He built the machine that defeats the left.  He has shown how to do it, and he did it.  He is a walking gold mine.”
Rush then added, “So I'm not endorsing anybody here. As you know, I don't do that.  Particularly this early out.  I know some people think that I should.  Look, I already have the power here of stopping Romney, according to the Republican consultant class, and I did that back in August.  Consequently, Walker's taken off, and I defy you to find anybody who's been touting him but me, at least the way I have been.”
However, despite my admiration and respect for Rush, he’s talking about the political aspects of Governor Walker’s successes and his understanding of how the game is played, particularly against the “left.” But, while those elements are extremely important regarding elections, my admiration for the Governor stems from the administrative and operational aspects of his job. Because, aside from everything else, he knows how to manage a governmental entity professionally and profitably.
Therefore, although there are several other governors in the running for the Republican presidential nomination, and at the moment he’s the one at the top, there’s a primary point that he will hopefully make to establish his credentials versus his contenders.
What he needs to make absolutely clear to the voting public at the start, is that the US presidency isn’t the place to learn on the job. Which means that candidates with no successful practical experience in governance have no place in the presidential contest at all. And if the past six years haven’t proven that point dramatically over and over again, then voters are simply too ignorant to grasp how much damage is caused when ideology overrides practical necessity. And, perhaps, although yesterday’s Drudge poll wasn’t scientific, it demonstrated that folks seem to be grasping the point.
Scott Walker tallied 46% of the vote with a total of 183,735. Cruz garnered 53,975  for 14%, Paul 48,521 for 12%, Bush 17,770 votes for 4%, losing by one to Sarah Palin at 17,771. Then, simply for the record, Trump posted 2% with 6,798 votes.
So, although the real presidential contest hasn’t even barely begun yet, early indications seem to reflect that the voting public, at least on the Republican side, now clearly understand that if they want the nation to function successfully, they must elect a candidate who’s demonstrated a proven capability to do it. Which is light years beyond simply spewing roomful's of hot air. 
That's it for today folks.

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