Friday, August 1, 2014


While conflicts continue around the globe, one has to wonder just how self-centered, despicable and uncaring politicians must be if they can ignore the horrors they cause simply to serve themselves and their causes. reports that, “Word that an American aid-worker infected with the deadly Ebola virus is being flown to the U.S. has lawmakers concerned. Health officials call the epidemic in West Africa, which has killed more than 700 people, the worst in the short history of the deadly virus. The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning advising U.S. travelers not to go to the nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.”
The Obama administration says, however, that “Americans face “no significant risk” and the White House has no plans to cancel a three-day U.S. Africa Leaders Summit in Washington next week.”
Therefore, the incumbent apparently believes he and the other political hacks that surround him either know more about the risks of disease than the nation’s Center for Disease Control does, or simply doesn’t care about the risks involved because his personal goals are far more important to him than citizen’s health and wellbeing.
Then, on the same subject but far worse, the story goes on to say that, “Already under fire for its ineffectiveness in dealing with the crisis at the southern border, where a Homeland Security Inspector General reports federal agents are being exposed to communicable diseases, the White House says it is “engaged” and President Obama is getting updates.”
Thus, he’s proving once again that while pontificating most of the time instead of leading, he rarely if ever considers the damage caused by his putting a political agenda over the wants and needs of American citizens. And by aiding and abetting thousands of potentially diseased illegals crossing the border unchecked, risks to the nation’s health take a back seat to amassing future Democrat voters.
However, enough time has passed that we can now see actual results of legislation rammed through for purely political purposes, regardless of the harm caused to the nation’s population.
In that regard, a item shows that, “ObamaCare is now the most unpopular since being signed into law in 2010. According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, 53 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of President Obama’s signature health care law, an 8 point jump since June.”
Which means that if the same drop-off in popularity occurs monthly, by February next year the health care tax’s favorability will drop to zero.
Then, Chris Stirewalt’s Fox column today included the following: “Democratic New York Sens. Charles Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand were the worst offenders, reports USAT. Schumer regularly spent more than $5,000 to fly to New York City, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester. Gillibrand took several chartered flights from Washington to New York cities. Both senators opted for the plane even though cheaper commercial flights and trains options were available.”
Now, I’ve lived in New York all my life, which is quite a while by now. Which leads to my question, as follows: Who are these two people and what do they do for a living?
And, along the same lines of people that cost huge amounts but accomplish nothing, the next two ciphers are not only busy making incredible fools of themselves, but are grossly insulting all of those having an IQ with more than two numbers. 
Ryan Lovelace, in The Corner National Review Online writes that “On a three-day trade mission to Mexico, California governor Jerry Brown talked most frequently about climate change and immigration, and spoke passionately about the link between the two, according to the Wall Street Journal.
“We can see how some are fearful of children walking across the border,” Brown said at the signing of a voluntary climate-change agreement with Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, according to the Journal. “What will they think when millions of people are driven north from the parched landscapes of a world degraded by intensifying climate change?”
Then, a Reuters item states: “Energy taxes in much of the world are far below what they should be to reflect the harmful environmental and health impact of fossil fuels use, the International Monetary Fund said in a new book on Thursday. 
For the first time, the IMF laid out exactly what it views as appropriate taxes on coal, natural gas, gasoline and diesel in 156 countries to factor in the fuels' overall costs, which include carbon dioxide emissions, air pollution, congestion and traffic accidents.”
Further details explain that, “Under its chief, Christine Lagarde, the IMF has delved into the impact of climate change, arguing that tackling the fund's core mission of economic instability is impossible without also addressing environmental damage.”
And here’s the kicker, “At the book's launch in Washington, Lagarde said countries should not have to wait for global agreement on climate policies, and instead should move ahead in adjusting energy prices on their own.”
So, here we have these two brain-dead clowns pushing for immediate action to prevent a climatological condition that doesn’t even exist. And here’s probably why they're in such a hurry to glom as much as they can as soon as possible. 
WUWT, the  What’s up with that? website posted the following on July 31, 2014 by Anthony Watts. 
“Numbers released today by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center show that not only has July been abnormally cool in the USA, but so has 2014 in general. For the last 30 days, there have been 574 record highest temperatures in the USA, and 1,726 record lowest. A ratio of 3 to 1, indicating that July was very cool. But, the year so far has also been cool.
So far for the USA year to date, the numbers of record lows outpace the highs two to one. This year, there have been 12,644 daily record lowest temperatures versus 6,615 record highest temperatures in the USA, a ratio of 1.91 to 1.0. For all types of high and low daily records for the year to date, there were 29,372 cold records versus  16,761 warm records, a ratio of 1.75 to 1.0
If all high and low daily record types are considered for the last 365 days, cold still outpaces warm. There are 46,712 cold records versus 36,650 warm records.” 
And then, Rick Harmon of the Montgomery Advertiser writes: “Montgomery had the coolest July 30 since reliable record keeping began in 1872. Wednesday's low of 59 degrees shattered the previous low of 66 degrees set in 1889.”
Plus, “ staff says that, “July 2014 will go into the record books as the coldest July since records began in Indianapolis. Temperatures will stay slightly below normal Thursday, putting the monthly average at 70.1 degrees. That's 0.5 degrees cooler than the previous July low of 70.6, set in 1947.
Indianapolis has not even topped 90 degrees so far this year.”
And finally, Bill Steffen in Bill's Blog on Grand Rapids says, “Here’s a look at the water temperature of Lake Michigan this year compared to recent years.  Lake Superior not only is considerably colder than even 2009, but it appears to be about 20°F colder than the end of July in 2012.  Lake Huron is now also colder than 2009.”
Therefore, it’s no wonder that environmentalists are seeking funds faster than ever, attempting to fill their coffers now. Because, it’s almost impossible that they don’t know that very shortly Mother Nature herself is going to put them out of business altogether exposing them as the frauds and phonies that they are. 
That’s it for today folks.

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