Thursday, February 20, 2014


Yesterday oil closed at $102.85 per barrel. That’s an increase of more than $10.00 per barrel in the last couple of weeks. So, to give the price rise some perspective, here’s the result of some research I just did.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2012 the nation imported 4,271,000 barrels per day from OPEC alone. A rough calculation adds up to 1,111,460,000 for the year.
For 2013, the only numbers available so far show the following number of barrels per month, also only from OPEC.
January            119,342,000
February          186,629,000
March               115,104,000
April                 113,393,000
May                  125,395,000
June                 114,753,000
July                  117,595,000
August             120,909,000
September       117,616,000
October,          105,745,000
November       105,856,000
If my arithmetic’s right, that adds up to 1,342,337,000 barrels imported for only 11 months of the year.
Now, if oil were simply to drop back to $90.00 per barrel or so, where it was last week, that would result in almost a trillion dollars and a half to be spent on other things like rent, food, clothing, entertainment, etc. instead of foreign fuel.
However, this administration is so enmeshed in pandering to its base of extremists, it won’t even apply the simplest common sense and relax drilling restrictions here, or permit the Keystone pipeline to ease price pressure via competition.
But instead, the incumbent flies to warm climes at taxpayer’s expense to play golf while his wife wears $12,000 dresses to parties. And maybe that’s why the acronym ought to be changed in his case from POTUS to PUTT ASS.
That’s it for today folks.

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