Thursday, April 12, 2012

BloggeRhythms 4/12/2012

Reading back over prior entries, and especially those of the recent past, it's become quite clear that as predicted by many, this administration has set the nation back philosophically almost two hundred years.  Because our current economy, governmental incursion into almost every walk of life and the emphasis on taxation and curbing of free entrepreneurial spirit almost exactly mirrors the conditions that caused the Founding Fathers to come to our shores in the first place.

As the months have rolled by since the incumbent's inauguration he's pushed, pulled and insidiously seen to it that the country has moved backward toward the ideals and standards of European nations that we'd left in the dust in almost every positive way you can think of as we forged ahead to become the most successful population on Earth.

Bureaucratic stumbling blocks and significant penalties have been established to practically guarantee the failure of any who dare to try to succeed on their own, lest they become models for others who attempt to break the new authoritarian mold. Because were businesses able to prosper without government intervention they might become models for others to make the same attempts. And that's why, except for the Solyndra types which are practically government owned, new operations and ventures have practically disappeared altogether.

Consequently, by going down the list of  steps and measures that have been taken in the past three years, it becomes obvious they're meant to insure that those who are successful economically are penalized. Because by their brazen audacity to prevail, their accomplishments refute the government's position which purports that folks can't prosper on their own.

And that's why I think things are very likely to change in the nation fairly soon. Because although I doubt there'll be another situation involving Minute Men and militias toting guns, or warning lanterns in belfry's, I do sense another kind of revolution is brewing and growing significantly every day.

My sense is that too many folks have worked too hard and for too long to simply sit back and watch their livelihoods shrink and assets devalue while some empty suits with backward mindsets legislate and steal them blind. So, although the nation's already suffered huge losses, financially and otherwise, just like the Founding Fathers did way back when, this time around the levers pulled won't be triggers on weapons but in voting booths instead. However, the enemy's going to be just as dead as our original oppressors were in the end.

That's it for today folks.


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