Thursday, March 1, 2012

BloggeRhythms 3/1/2012

I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter, because frankly, her style gets on my nerves and I find her to be more of a screechy pest than a pundit, but there's no doubt she's pretty bright. That's why this morning I clicked on an article on her website from a link posted by Drudge, because the subject's one I frequently write about also -the demise of higher education in the U.S.

And it seems she has problems with Rick Santorum, because she believes he frequently fails to state his points clearly, or trips himself up by misstatements or mistakes in interviews and debates. She also apparently thinks he's often set up and prone to falling in traps designed by interviewers, because he doesn't always remember his own prior writings and statements.

However, what set her off regarding higher education was a comment Santorum made in response to the president's stating that "everyone should go to college." Upon hearing that, Santorum said, "What a snob!"

In this case, Coulter thinks Santorum's response was incorrect because he missed the point. Since, according to her, "It's not snobbery that compels liberals to promote college for all; it's a scam to manufacture more Democratic voters, much like their immigration policies." And that's where I agree with her absolutely and completely, because I keep making the very same point in many ways myself.

But the main reason I'm writing about her today is that she posted some examples of what a joke college curricula have become that I think are perfect but hadn't found myself. And here's how she put it: 

"This isn't the '20s, when only the upper classes went  to college. These days, every idiot who can scratch an "X" on his checkbook assumes hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to make himself less employable by taking college courses in - for example - "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame" (University of South Carolina, Columbia), "GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender and Identity" (University of Virginia), "Arguing With Judge Judy: Popular 'Logic' on TV Judge Shows" (University of California, Berkeley), "The Phallus" (Occidental College), "Zombies" (University of Baltimore), "Comics" (Oregon State University), "Harry Potter: Finding Your Patronus" (Oregon State University), and "Underwater Basket Weaving" (University of California at San Diego).

Now, although I 've reached my own conclusions about the devaluation of education, primarily in public institutions, and am convinced it's mainly due to the dumbing down of "teachers" protected by thuggish's illustrations take my argument one step further.

Because I've thought all along that the subject matter taught remained pretty much consistent, such as courses in grammar, sciences and math, however kept at minimal difficulty levels due to deteriorating skill levels of the instructors. But today, thanks to the homework of Ann Coulter, I've learned that today's "educators" are too dumb to even do that. 

That's it for today folks.


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