Wednesday, January 4, 2012

BloggeRhythms 1/4/2012

Now that the Iowa circus is over, except for Rick Santorum's high finish, nothing's really changed much in the Republican presidential candidate race. Mitt Romney, who spent neither much time or money in the state, did better than expected and is still the most likely to eventually win the nomination.

The odds are that Santorum, who's extremely conservative, did so well because Iowa Republicans tend to be quite conservative too. He also spent huge amounts of time there, as well as lots of money. But, that doesn't usually mean much elsewhere in the nation where more moderate candidates often rise to the top.

As far as the rest of the field goes, the only item I saw of interest was that, Newt Gingrich, apparently blew a fuse because he didn't do very well and went after opponents this morning. He now says they bombarded him with negative advertising, which to my mind was pretty funny.

The reason for my laughter was that, as I've mentioned here before, Gingrich calls ads negative when they mention his documented track record, and that's what's happened here. The ads simply point out that he vacillates, supports opposition's idea when appropriate, and takes up causes of those willing to pay him but then denies he's been bought.

In the meantime, many Republican pundits are bemoaning the way this nomination race keeps producing new names at the top, suggesting a very long campaign till it all sorts out. They say, the barbs and jabs should be aimed at the current president and not each other, because time's being wasted as well as significant amounts of funds.

I, on the other hand, think exactly the reverse. Because while these folks are fighting amongst themselves they're still getting their basically similar points across to the public, and the country itself is still going in the wrong direction due to it's current leadership. These are things that can be seen by all.

But, if a Republican candidate was chosen by now, there'd be almost a year of head to head verbal competition between the two contestants for the White House, which would soon become boring and allow the arguments to burn out. 

So then, I think Republican's are much better off right now by arguing with each other and not partaking in direct confrontation with someone who, as every day goes by, is further killing his chances for re-election by his incompetent self.

That's it for today folks.


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