Thursday, July 14, 2011

BloggeRhythms 7/14/2011

At center stage in extremely serious negotiations yesterday, between top politico's regarding the nation's debt, things apparently weren't going the president's way. Consequently, while numerous citizens here and other leaders around the world likely were tuned in, because the financial condition of the U.S. affects them all in one way or another, our "leader" had a hissy fit and stormed out of the room.

Now, his tactic isn't really anything new regarding disagreements, standoffs or strongly felt opposing points of view, and just about everyone has probably done exactly the same thing at one time or another. Except, it's likely that at the time they did it, they were six or seven years old. I say that because to my recollection, that's the last time I used that ploy. And I remember the occasion clearly, because my mother immediately told me to go to my room and not come out until I'd grown up.

So, after reading about the president's immature conduct, I got to thinking about others in the public eye and about the examples they'd have set had they performed the same way. For example, what if President Washington quit while battling the British? Would we be a free nation today if he threw up his hands and said, "I can't take this anymore?" and left the battlefield like a wimp. Would Lincoln have ended slavery had his mother sent him to his room instead of hanging in until he'd gotten his way?

I doubt Reagan would have broken the back of Communism had he chickened out and left the stage squawking like a child, nor would Truman have ended World War II if he simply quit and changed his quote to "The buck stops somewhere else, I don't want to play any more."

But, I guess these are really unfair comparisons because I've been listing real, time-tested leaders and statesmen who above all else did their very best on behalf of the folks they led. And these gentlemen all grew into their jobs, seeking to insure their nation remained the best. And that's very different than a Chicago thug who's never led anything in his life, but instead just whimpers and whines because he doesn't know what else to do.

However, we're all really lucky he's in the White House and not on the front lines. Because if he was actually heading our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan, and turned tail and very short order we'd all be speaking Arabic inside our enemies prisons.

That's it for today folks.


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