Monday, October 25, 2010


According to the Wall Street Journal, "Mortgage-interest deduction and other sacrosanct tax breaks are on the deficit commission's table as it works toward its deadline of providing a set of recommendations on balancing the budget by 2015."

The paper also said Monday, that "hugely popular tax breaks are part of the commission's consideration since they add up to about $1 trillion in potential government revenue. Besides the mortgage-interest deductions, child tax credits and pre-tax spending by employers for health insurance could also be killed."

So, what is it about Liberals and their agendas that they always wind up spending money they don't have on unaffordable things that help a continually shrinking part of the population (non-producers), then going to the despised folks who actually earn a living and looking for ways to fleece them for the shortfall? And, it never fails to happen. Beyond that, they always present their beliefs as if it's un-American, illegal, politically incorrect or downright inhumane to disagree.

Now, don't get me wrong here, because Conservatives have all sorts of things tied to their agenda that likely aren't even government issues either, and push them continually. Yet, when it comes to the budget, military, taxes and education their approach tends to make more economic, political and even international sense. Nonetheless, in recent years when in power, they've spent frivolously too.

So, it seems to me what we're coming down to is additional proof that government in general is being scrutinized much more finely by the public, and regardless of political rhetoric either way, if governmental financial bleeding isn't sutured, their (pardon the pun) party is over. Because, except to perhaps the hardest core leftists, it's become all too obvious that this country can't afford the trip it's being taken on now.

That's it for today folks.


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