Monday, May 22, 2017


There’s a political shift taking place in the U.S. that the left certainly doesn’t understand at all, while many Republican columnists haven’t grasped it’s full extent either. Several items today serve as examples of the changing tides in the nation. 

On the Democrat side, Susan B. Glasser writes about ranting and babbling from John Podesta who’s still disputing the results of the election his candidate lost.  

Podesta claims: “Donald Trump is “unfit for office,” a president whose actions are often “absolutely crazy” and whose White House has “a complete disregard for the truth.” His firing of James Comey as the FBI director was overseeing an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and whether Trump’s advisers colluded with it amounts to “close to an obstruction case” against the president. 

Nonetheless he says not to expect “impeachment proceedings anytime soon,” because Republican congressional leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have chosen to “Velcro their own political fate” to Trump’s and won’t pursue allegations against the president of their own party unless forced to do so by a 2018 midterm election debacle or further revelations. 

“It is clear to me that Republicans on Capitol Hill are not going to begin to turn on him at this point,” Podesta says. 

And then Ms Glasser adds that Podesta said: “if those 70,000 votes had gone differently in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, … we would have all been geniuses.” Which brings back Cowboys quarterback, Don Meredith’s canard: “If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.” 

However, while Podesta prattles about the POTUS’s unfitness for office and “absolutely crazy” actions, Kyle Olson adds totally opposite realities, writing: “President Trump is continuing to defy his detractors at home by wooing more world leaders in the Middle East. 

“During a Sunday meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Sisi told the American president that he is “capable of doing the impossible.”

Proof of the king’s expectations was seen as: “Israeli ministers have approved measures aimed at improving the Palestinian economy and facilitating crossings, rare moves said to be at Donald Trump’s request hours ahead of the US president’s arrival. 

The results of Trump's efforts are now so obvious that even the highly biased CBS News personality Bob Schieffer “reacted to President Donald Trump’s speech in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, praising him for sounding “presidential” while calling for Muslim countries to unite in combating terrorism.” 

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Schieffer told fill-in host John Berman: “You may agree or disagree with what he said, but he sounded like a president. He laid out his vision, he called for help from those in the Muslim world — it was a much different kind of presentation.” 

Later,  Schieffer added, “He didn’t sound like the guy at the end of the bar popping off. He sounded like someone who had actually thought he was going to say before he said it.” 

Although Schieffer may be coming to grips with the depth of Trump’s capabilities, long-time supporter Michael Goodwin still isn’t quite comprehending what’s presently bring accomplished.    

Mr. Goodwin writes today: “Reader Freda Barry objects to my view that President Trump’s errant words and deeds are testing the faith of his followers. She writes: “No, supporters of President Trump are not losing faith. We are, however, totally dismayed by the unrelenting attacks on our president from the corrupt media! 

“Please don’t give up on us or the president we VOTED into office. We still pray that he will NOT give up, even under continuous assault.” 

“Her plea is obviously heartfelt, and others also invoked prayer in delivering similar messages. 

"But while I haven’t given up on Trump, I am concerned about the state of his presidency.”

In support of his premise, Mr. Goodwin opines that: “Democrats have been rewarded for their wild accusations that Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to meddle in the election. The “resistance” has morphed into wider calls for impeachment, including in Congress, without evidence that any crime was committed, let alone by Trump.” 

Noting that the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel raises the case to consideration as “a criminal probe and the White House has no control over where it goes,” Mr. Goodwin believes that “even the GOP advantage in Congress will be neutered because criminal investigations take precedence over hearings.” 

“That gives Democrats ­leverage and opportunities unthinkable just four months ago. Having demanded a special counsel, they will use the existence of one as proof that Trump must be guilty of something and noisily drown out any discussion of his America First agenda. 

“Any honest analysis would say the Dems are off to a decent start. Already, the repeal of ObamaCare, tax reform and a military buildup have to be regarded as less likely now than they were just weeks ago. They’re not dead, but the odds are going in the wrong direction and congressional Republicans seem paralyzed.” 

And it’s at this point where even a writer as skilled and perceptive as Mr. Goodwin joins most others unaware of how skilled  business-negotiators approach complex, competitive and delicate transactional situations. And that’s because there are no hard and fast rules to the working-stage process. There are also no reliable models to draw on, whereas each “deal” is unique. No rigid time-frames exist either, despite outside pressures from others having their own interests for whatever reasons. (Such as those on the left and the press.)      

And from there Mr. Goodwin, perhaps unknowingly, refutes his own argument about the POTUS’s rate of progress to date by writing that: “It is true, as Trump says, that he has major accomplishments already. Business and consumer confidence are up, illegal immigration is down and he is working on better trade deals. 

“His push to shrink regulations will spur job creation and his support for law enforcement and school choice represent key reversals of misguided policies he inherited. Neil Gorsuch was a superb Supreme Court choice. 

“The president is also making strides in repairing the damage Barack Obama’s worldview inflicted on our global standing and our allies. One area of agreement in the Mideast is that both the Israeli and Arab leaders Trump is seeing on his trip felt betrayed by Obama. 

“The bottom line is that some pieces of a successful presidency are in place, but the progress is fragile and could be swamped by the Washington circus. Trump’s goal must be to avoid any more hint of scandal and ­instability so he can earn enough support to finish the revolution he started. If he can do that, everything is still possible.” 

While it’s certainly true that if the POTUS can do all he’s promised “everything is still possible,“ something else can be done as well. If Mr. Goodwin goes back and rereads his own column about Trump's accomplishments to date and at the same time, learns all he can first-hand about negotiating and successfully closing mega-deals, there’s an outside chance he may figure out how and why all that’s being worked on now will happen successfully over time.
And then, Rush offered a few very appropriate insights today. 

“Trump gets off the plane in Saudi Arabia, gets off the plane in Israel, and is overwhelmingly respected and welcomed and appreciated. I have to think that it's not all just because he has the title of president. I think it's a stunning contrast. How can these two completely different characters exist: The Donald Trump of Washington and the Donald Trump of this trip?” 

“Consider the Trump that you have seen and watched in Saudi Arabia and now in Israel. Contrast that with the president you see and hear reported on in Washington. The two men don't even look remotely similar. This trip should not be possible. The news coming out of this trip should not be possible based on what everybody is saying about Trump in Washington.”

"How about these judges who issued stays on Trump's travel order 'cause he hates Muslims? How does that wash with this weekend?”

Reader Don Moyer Jr. commented: “Funny thing how foreigners care more about our country than the liberal leaning leftists and their never ending hatred for someone who is truly working hard to get this country back on track. So sick of the Obstructionists that have the gall to call themselves Americans.”

Thus, despite the continual effort of those on the left and their MSM accomplices, everyday successes and accomplishments totally belie their purely political anti-everything Trump agenda. Particularly because a robust economy and Middle-East peace are two primary Trump promises they all voted for in Middle-America. Even Bob Schieffer knows that.

That’s it for today folks.


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