Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Today’s items reinforce the growing national awareness that for the left, truth in their messaging is rarely a primary concern, if ever. What stays paramount is disparaging their Republican rivals, and the new POTUS in particular. 

Unfortunately for them, however, despite all the efforts of the mainstream media alternate news sources are gaining in popularity and getting the truth out, as shown below.

An article @breitbart.com by Kristina Wong titled “Six Facts We Learned from the Sally Yates Hearing,” regards the former Acting Attorney General’s testimony last week in Congress. 

Ms Wong addresses “the overarching media narrative focused on former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s potential compromise by Russia,” listing “6 other important facts we learned.”

“1. Yates reviewed classified documents in which Flynn was “unmasked.” 

“2. Some DOJ, FBI, and intelligence officials knew about Flynn’s conversation with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

“3. Officials weighed informing the White House about Flynn against the impact it would have on the FBI’s Russia investigation. 

“This fact is important for two reasons. 

“One, this means that Kislyak and/or Flynn’s communications on December 29 were considered a part of the FBI’s investigation on Russia and any coordination between the Trump campaign. Trump had tweeted on March 4 that he found out his transition team was being surveilled by the Obama administration. It turns out he was right. 

“Two, it means that Yates and others would decide the value of squealing on Flynn outweighed the value of secretly collecting more intelligence on him. That could mean there was no other good evidence on Flynn, or that they had already collected enough. Whatever the evidence, it was not included in the intelligence community’s January 5 assessment for the White House. 

“4. Nothing had risen to the level of evidence by the time James Clapper left office in January 20. 

“Clapper said in March that he had seen no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. 

“During last week’s hearing, he added a huge caveat — that he did not know about an ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation into whether there was collusion. 

“But Clapper said any evidence from that investigation was apparently not sufficient to include in their assessment on January 5, when three intelligence agencies issued a statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin had interfered with the U.S. elections against Clinton. 

“It wasn’t enough to put into the report?” Graham asked. 

“That’s correct,” Clapper responded. 

“5. The intelligence community could not corroborate the Trump dossier. 

Clapper also said the dossier — produced by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and paid for by anti-Trump and pro-Clinton donors, could not be corroborated. 

“We couldn’t corroborate the sourcing, particularly the second — third-order sources,” Clapper said. 

“The dossier claimed wild and unproven claims about Trump conducting sexual acts with prostitutes. 

“6. Clapper revealed that he requested the unmasking of another Trump associate — besides Flynn. 

“Clapper revealed that he had requested the unmasking of both a Trump associate and a member of Congress at least once each. He also said he didn’t know who unmasked Flynn, meaning he had unmasked a different Trump associate.” 

Thus, from the mainstream media's perspective, although what was revealed in Congressional testimony by involved participants absolves the POTUS from any irregularities or questionable behavior, they still maintain their presumption of his guilt.  

Yet, what’s transpiring at the same time is that a dossier of MSM fabrications is building in the background, which in time will serve to become unquestionable evidence of their joint efforts towards political control. 

Further proof of those efforts comes from Kristina Wong @breitbart.com again who this time writes about “leaked” information to the Washington Post in an article published yesterday.

While the Post contends that current and former U.S. officials were supposedly concerned that the POTUS had shared some “highly classified information” with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador to the U.S. last week, the report admits that it is “unlikely” Trump broke any laws.

In fact the report says: “As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.” 

“In addition, his national security adviser, who was at the meeting, told the Post nothing was shared that was not already publicly known. 

“At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly,” said Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster. 

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson added: “During President Trump’s meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism.  During that exchange the nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations.” 

While the undeniable evidence of the MSM’s political involvement continues rising, Rush, once again, provided additional background  on the subject yesterday as well.

“RUSH: So just to illustrate my theory yet again, we have more proof — more evidence here — that the theory is correct. If the media is coming up with the talking points, the media is the one strategizing, the media is in the lead position. This is last Thursday and Friday. We have a media montage once again in which the theme is “crisis of credibility.” This happened on Thursday, after a White House press briefing, and some news about Comey and the firing. The immediate take was “crisis of credibility” coming out of the White House. This montage demos it. 

“CHRIS CUOMO: (swoosh sound) The Trump White House is facing a major credibility crisis! 

“JACOB TAPPER: I don’t even know if the White House understands that this is something of a crisis of credibility. 

“DAVID CHALIAN: (shouting) What we have here now is a White House in a crisis of credibility! 

“JOSH EARNEST: …a self-inflicted crisis, and there is a yawning credibility gap. 

“ATHENA JONES: This suggests a real crisis of credibility. 

“BROOKE BALDWIN: It’s a crisis of credibility here. 

“DAVID MUIR: What about credibility here?

“RUSH: That was basically CNN people, some people at ABC thrown in there as well. But you see how this happens. They didn’t get that from a Democrat. They came up with that on their own on the spot.” 

And that’s probably why the POTUS plans to hang a map displaying his Electoral College victory in the White House, according to a report. 

Because, having won 306 electoral votes to 232 means that an awful lot of people are getting their news somewhere other than the MSM, wouldn’t ya think? 

That’s it for today folks. 


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