Monday, July 20, 2015


Got a late start today, after watching the weather delayed final round of the British Open, which was one of the best competitions in recent years. And, as far as the climate’s concerned, after five frigid, windy, rainy days along their coast, it looks like the folks in Scotland didn’t get the memo telling them that the globe is warming. Most attendees were shivering their tails off.
As far as other news is concerned, in its continuing strategy of avoiding obstruction to its quite questionable nuclear “deal” with Iran, the administration sent the package to the U.N. for a vote.
While reports that “The White House says the Security Council's actions won't take effect for another 90 days, congressional lawmakers had urged President Obama to halt Monday's vote -- and allow Congress to vote first.” 
Republican Senator, John Barrasso, of Wyoming called the action, an "end-run around Congress," which it almost certainly was. However, what took place in the U.N. itself not only illustrated clearly how weak and unenforceable the so-called deal is, but underlined Iran’s continuing intention to remain in conflict with the United States.  
The U.N. Security Council naturally endorsed the deal unanimously, yet shortly afterward a war of words erupted when the Iranian ambassador “lashed out at the U.S. in retaliation for U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power bringing up Tehran's human rights record.”
During the session, Power had raised concerns about Iran's support for terror proxies, reiterating a U.S. demand that Iran release all unjustly held American prisoners. 
Iran's ambassador, Gholamali Khoshroo, fired back, blaming the U.S. for instability in the region. Then after calling Power's criticism "ironic," he said, "The country that invaded two countries in our region and created favorable grounds for the growth of terrorism and extremism is not well placed to raise such accusations against my country," calling past U.S. actions in the region "feckless" and "reckless." 
And these are the people that Obama and Kerry gave the store away to in order to maintain peace in the neighborhood for ten years into the future. However, it looks like the relationship will “blow up,” (pun intended)  a whole lot sooner that that.
On another matter, a friend on Facebook posted a story about the late Robin Williams. Written by Perry Marshall an entrepreneur and author, who discusses celebrity’s “riders,” which are the requests made by those agreeing to personal appearances.  
Mr. Marshall explains: “For those outside of the entertainment industry, a rider lists out an artist’s specific personal and technical needs for hosting them for an event- anything from bottled water and their green room sound and lighting requirements. You can learn a lot about a person from their rider. This is where rocks bands list their requirement for green M&Ms (which is actually a surprisingly smart thing to do).” 
And here’s the paragraph that caught my eye, predominantly because it’s so typical of the holier-that-thou activists who in reality are phonier than three dollar bills. Mr. Marshall writes that riders contain demands, such as where “a famous environmentalist requires a large gas-guzzling private jet to fly to the event city, but then requires an electric or hybrid car to take said environmentalist to the event venue when in view of the public.” While no names were mentioned, Tom Steyer came to mind in a heartbeat.
And now, on the other extreme, Mr. Marshall writes that, “When I got Robin Williams’ rider, I was very surprised by what I found. He actually had a requirement that for every single event or film he did, the company hiring him also had to hire a certain number of homeless people and put them to work. 
“I never watched a Robin Williams movie the same way after that. I’m sure that on his own time and with his own money, he was working with these people in need, but he’d also decided to use his clout as an entertainer to make sure that production companies and event planners also learned the value of giving people a chance to work their way back. 
“I wonder how many production companies continued the practice into their next non-Robin Williams project, as well as how many people got a chance at a job and the pride of earning an income, even temporarily, from his actions.”
So, here we have an individual, Robin Williams, who’s truly appreciative of his gifts, to the extent he believed that everyone deserves a chance to achieve for themselves. Which is the exact opposite of many high-profile types, particularly an inordinate number of them in politics, bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
S.V. Date writes that, “The annual Netroots Nation conference has attracted thousands of liberal activists, the core of the Democratic Party's base, to the 100-degree-plus desert heat. It attracted its latest hero, Elizabeth Warren. It has attracted two Democratic presidential candidates. But someone it could not attract was Hillary Clinton, the person most likely to need its attendees' help at the top of next November's ballot.”
While the reason for not appearing was a “schedule conflict,” it was interesting to note that, “Her last appearance at a Netroots conference was in 2007. She was booed, in part over her vote supporting the Iraq war. Her problems with progressives that year created room for fellow Sen. Barack Obama to overcome her enormous advantages and win the nomination in 2008.”
Therefore it could very well be that the conference has put Bill’s wife between a rock and a hard place. Because, it seems that the attendees don’t like her very much at all, which is likely what's keeping her away from them. But, as history’s proven, that leaves the door open for other contenders, even an unknown who went on to eight years as POTUS. 
Which leads to the obvious question: Mayor Bloomberg, Joe Biden and even presently unknown other Democrats, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.

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