Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BloggeRhythms 2/7/2012

During the last few days, I've mentioned how it seemed to me that the president's changed his strategy as he scrambles for votes in the coming election. He now seems to be open to accepting ideas and positions that he'd vowed to never support, if he thinks it will help him keep him in office.

But what I sense is a huge problem for him is that the game of politics has changed quite a bit. Primarily because it's not like the old days where what one said was soon forgotten, or buried in some archive that only political junkies would bother to look up again.

Today, thanks to technology, continuous media coverage and especially the Internet, almost anything said by politico's is virtually kept forever and accessible instantaneously. Which is why I'm able to remind myself and readers about the horrendous mistake that was made when the president and his side-kick, Nancy Pelosi, loudly touted their new health care bill.

In that regard, practically the whole Catholic population was aghast a few days ago when Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, stated that the administration was overreaching by knocking down the wall between church and state via employees who can receive insurance covering contraception.

Furthering that furor today, according to Terence P. Jeffrey of cnsnews.com, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, "wrote a letter to be read at all Sunday Masses for U.S. military personnel around the world that said that a regulation issued by the Obama Administration under the new federal health care law was 'a blow' to a freedom that U.S. troops have not only fought to defend but for which some have recently died in battle."

So, what all this adds up to me is that the president's painted himself into another corner as far as his health care law's concerned, and Nancy Pelosi's right alongside him holding the bucket of paint. Because, as mentioned earlier, with today's technology's to help with recollection, I don't think folks are going to forget it was Ms Pelosi who told us we'd all love the new health care law -even though she hadn't read it before passage. And from all the backlash the legislation's created, I think the president's likely sorry he either didn't read it or understand it himself.

That's it for today folks.


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