Saturday, July 16, 2016


This morning, Trump finally confirmed his Vice Presidential choice as Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana since 2013. 

GOP Chairman Reince Priebus summed up Pence’s selection concisely, stating: “It was a pick that clearly shows he is pivoting to the general election. He is choosing a person who has the experience inside and outside Washington, Christian conservative, very different style that I think shows a lot of maturity." 

While the choice should go far to appease and satisfy many who question Trump’s lack of political experience, it also indicates Trump's approach to fortifying his own areas of weakness by seeking appropriate expertise where needed. 

A further indication that selecting Pence was a good decision was unintentionally confirmed by the Democrat response, which came from the Clinton campaign. Quickly seizing on the appearance of indecision, a web video early this morning highlighted Trump's frequent mixed signals and contradictory statements about where he was in the Vice Presidential selection process, as follows: "Donald Trump. Always divisive. Not so decisive."  

Now, if there's anyone, anywhere who can explain why Trump’s taking sufficient time to research, identify, qualify and select the one he feels most appropriate to become the second most important individual in the nation is “always divisive, not so decisive,” it would truly be amazing to learn. Additionally, the feeble, toothless, nonsensical Democrat response is a clear indication that Trump’s choice was an excellent one.  

In terms of the campaign itself, Trump continues to rise in the polls. David Lauter, reports: “As the presidential race moves into a key two-week period, with the announcement of running mates and the party conventions, Donald Trump has taken an apparent slim lead over Hillary Clinton, based on strong support from white voters, particularly men. 

“That finding, from a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times Daybreak tracking poll, a new survey that begins publication Friday, marks a significant shift in a race that most polls indicated Clinton has led since mid-May.”

One of the reasons that the presidential contest seems to be trending toward Trump may be found in an article by Lucas Tomlinson, who writes: “Two days before the anniversary of the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, the Islamic Republic attempted to launch a new type of ballistic missile using North Korean technology, multiple intelligence officials tell Fox News.”

While the test is in violation of a UN resolution, it would be at least the fourth time Iran has launched or attempted to launch a ballistic missile since the nuclear accord was signed on July 14, 2015.

Under the accord, Iran is barred from conducting ballistic missile tests for eight years and is “called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology,” according to the text of the resolution.   

Iran claims its ballistic missile tests are legitimate because they are not designed to carry a nuclear warhead, however, “in an interview with Fox News in Baghdad Thursday, the head of Central Command, responsible for military operations in the Middle East, said Iran continues to cause trouble in the region.” 

Gen. Joseph Votel said: “Iran’s behavior hasn’t significantly changed as a result of the nuclear agreement. They continue to pursue malign activities, and they continue to foment instability in areas where we need stability so I remain concerned about that continued behavior.” 

“Reuters reported last week that a confidential report by UN chief Ban Ki-moon called Iran’s ballistic missile program "not consistent with the constructive spirit" of the nuclear deal, but left it up to the UN Security Council to decide if Iran is in violation of UN resolution 2231. Russia and China are permanent members of the five-nation UN Security Council, and both have expressed reservations in the past about punishing Iran about its missile tests. 

“The Security Council is due to discuss the UN chief’s report on July 18.” 

Thus, now that the POTUS has joined Bill’s wife in her campaign, the assumption must be that she will continue pursuing his failed policy's. Including the irrational Iran nuclear deal which clearly is of no value whatsoever, to the U.S. or any other nation within Iran’s missile range. 
Which brings us to today's update on Bill’s wife. 

“On the day her campaign released an ad that makes a brutal and effective case against a Trump presidency—“Our children are watching”—a New York Times poll revealed the cost of her squandered credibility. 

“Clinton and Trump are tied nationally, each supported by 40 percent of voters, in a survey taken after FBI director James Comey undercut Clinton’s shifting and deceptive explanations of her email practices at the State Department. A month ago, she held a six-point lead in the same poll.” 

However, the impact of the shift toward Trump may be far more important than simply poll results, because the “[W]hile this is just one poll, virtually all statewide and national surveys suggest the race is tightening despite a number of factors weighted in Clinton’s favor. These include:
  • The nation’s new demography favors Democratic presidential candidates. (President Obama’s coalition of young, minority, and well-educated voters is still ascendant.)
  • The Electoral College favors Democratic candidates. (Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in each of the most recent six presidential elections, from 1992 through 2012. Together, they represent 242 electoral votes.) 
  • Clinton is a former senator, secretary of state, and first lady who is arguably more prepared, in terms of experience, than any non-incumbent presidential candidate ever. 
  • Clinton is outspending Trump 40-1 on advertising in states that will determine who wins the campaign.
  • Clinton is running against Trump. That’s her biggest advantage. The celebrity billionaire has no political experience, no foreign-policy experience, and no more than a superficial interest or understanding in public policy. He is also—to put it kindly—temperamentally challenged.”
In summary, considering her huge political advantages over Trump, one would think Bill’s wife would virtually coast to the White House. Yet, there’s a very good chance that she won’t. And some of the reasons have been captured in the following item sent by a friend:


Which brings up the ongoing question once more: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are  you guys reading this?  

That’s it for today folks.      


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