Sunday, July 10, 2016


Lackluster news today contains quite little in the way of major story’s, yet illustrates some very clear trends in politics regarding both presidential candidates. Neither of which are held in very high favor, within or without their own party lines.  

An article, for example, establishes that Obama remains far more popular than Bush was at the end of his tenure. A recent Pew survey, shows confidence in him to be on the upswing in some countries, including Britain, China and Spain. 

However, one possible reason stated for Obama’s favorability “is the rise of a Republican presidential candidate whose comments on everything from trade to terrorism have rattled the world. As POLITICO discovered in Cuba, Egypt and Ukraine, few things make people long for the extension of an Obama presidency more than the words “Donald Trump.” 

Farther along it’s reported that: “Egyptians have mixed views of Hillary Clinton. They recall how her husband, Bill Clinton, tried to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during his years in the White House. But they also remember Hillary Clinton’s close connections to the much-despised Mubarak and his family. 

“The mention of Trump, however, inspires words like “catastrophe” and “sub-human.” Egyptians are especially sensitive to Trump because of his pledge to bar Muslims from entering America. 

“Trump?” Hiba Rustum, a 28-year-old computer science student says. “I don’t love him at all.”
So, here we have indications of a major opportunity for Republicans to regain the White House. And yet the candidate they’ve allowed to hijack their party may very well insure that one of the weakest opponents faced since Jimmy Carter may be thought to be more favorable than he is. A situation that’s truly unbelievable. 

Along the same lines, Julia Hahn, reports: “A poll of likely Republican voters shows House Speaker Paul Ryan well below 50 percent in his race to maintain his seat in Wisconsin’s first Congressional district.”

Ryan’s competitor, Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen, “told Breitbart that the reason Ryan has tanked below 50 percent in the latest poll is a direct result of his policies on trade, immigration, and national sovereignty. 

“Paul Ryan is the most open borders, pro-Wall Street, anti-worker member of Congress in either party,” Paul Nehlen said during a Saturday press conference, which was held in front of Ryan’s border wall surrounding his Janesville mansion. “Everything that Americans despise about their government, Paul Ryan represents… Can you name one time when Paul Ryan fought as hard for you and your family as he’s fought for corporate America?” Nehlen asked.” 

In this case, although Ryan’s a Republican, most of the stances he’s taken are more in line with Liberals. Except for supporting “Wall Street,” Ryan’s shrinking poll numbers are clear indications of his constituents desire for border closure, job growth and economic rebuilding. All of which Ryan’s party support wholeheartedly, and confirm once more significant opportunity for Trump, if he can ever get his act together.    
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Maureen Dowd, begins today’s column: “IT says a lot about our relationship with Hillary Clinton that she seems well on her way to becoming Madam President because she’s not getting indicted.

“If she were still at the State Department, she could be getting fired for being, as the F.B.I. director told Congress, “extremely careless” with top-secret information. Instead, she’s on a glide path to a big promotion.” 

From there, Ms Dowd brilliantly encapsulates just how far the Clinton’s have sunk themselves, and those around them, while lowering the level of the American presidency right along with them, as follows:   

“And that’s the corkscrew way things go with the Clintons, who are staying true to their reputation as the Tom and Daisy Buchanan of American politics. Their vast carelessness drags down everyone around them, but they persevere, and even thrive. 

“In a mere 11 days, arrogant, selfish actions by the Clintons contaminated three of the purest brands in Washington — Barack Obama, James Comey and Loretta Lynch — and jeopardized the futures of Hillary’s most loyal aides. 

“It’s quaint, looking back at her appointment as secretary of state, how Obama tried to get Hillary without the shadiness. (Which is what we all want, of course.) 

“The president and his aides attempted to keep a rein on Clinton’s State Department — refusing to let her bring in her hit man, Sidney Blumenthal. 

“But in the end, Hillary’s goo got on Obama anyhow. On Tuesday, after Comey managed to make both Democrats and Republicans angry by indicting Clinton politically but not legally, Barry and Hillary flew to Charlotte, N.C., for their first joint campaign appearance.” 

Thus, what’s patently clear at this point, is that it’s extremely unlikely that there is anyone in the U.S. with an iota of sense that doesn’t know precisely what both Clinton’s are all about. To the extent, that even an aware president has now been tainted by their criminality. And yet, that same president willingly supports Bill’s wife as his only present hope for the continuation of his “legacy.” 

Which means that if Trump is defeated by her in the coming November, the Republican party will have wasted the greatest opportunity in presidential history.  

It also raises the ongoing question again: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are  you guys reading this?    

That’s it for today folks.     


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