Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Frankly, I’ve not paid much attention to the POTUS’s Cuban trip, believing it to be simply one more of his fingers poked in our nation’s eye and of very little real interest to me. 

Then this morning, scanning headlines, a link to an article @miami.cbslocal.com, via Drudge caught my eye regarding crowds in Miami’s Little Havana marching against the presidential visit to the communist nation. 

The text contained thoughts from FIU professor of politics, Eduardo Gamarra, a specialist  in Cuban studies who talked about “Ladies in White” who were arrested right before the POTUS' visit. These “Las Damas de Blanco” are the wives and relatives of jailed anti-Castro activists who march to Mass each Sunday, and have done so for nearly four years. 

While Professor Gamarra  believes the pre-visit arrests “were bad p.r. for the Cubans,” he also explained, it changes nothing. 

“If they were expecting some sort of good feelings about any kind of changes, at least in terms of human rights violations, this was not the right message to send,” explained Professor Gamarra. “And they could’ve handled it a lot differently. But again, their insistence is, ‘We are not going to change domestically because that’s not what we’re negotiating.’ To them, the most important thing is the lifting of the embargo.” 

And that’s when the whole situation finally made sense to me. Because it seemed odd that after all these years, that the Cubans would become seemingly amenable to the U.S. right now. And the answer rests in the Middle-East, where the Iranians just took the gullible administration for 100 million bucks. 

So, why not sound like a window's opening toward developing a relationship, when very little or nothing will really have to be done beyond some vague hints about easing oppression. After all, the Iranians got their windfall and not only haven’t changed an iota at all, but are now testing rockets that will annihilate just about all of their neighbors.   
And in return, what do the Castro's get for their empty promises? According to Wikipedia: “At present, the embargo, which limits American businesses from conducting business with Cuban interests, is still in effect and is the most enduring trade embargo in modern history. Despite the existence of the embargo, the United States is the fifth largest exporter to Cuba (6.6% of Cuba's imports are from the US). However, Cuba must pay cash for all imports, as credit is not allowed.” Which means, markets will open wide for Cuba now, along with new lines of credit to boot, a huge windfall for them.

Thus, just like the Iranian scam, follow the money and you’ll always find your answer. 

On anther subject: Yesterday, according to FoxNews.com, Trump “pledged his firm support for Israel -- vowing that if elected the country would no longer be treated like a “second-class citizen, ” calling Democratic rival Hillary Clinton a “total disaster” for America’s closest Middle East ally. 

In a speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the country’s most influential pro-Israel group, Trump said: “When I become president, the days of treating Israel as a second-class citizen are over. Hillary Clinton … and President Obama have treated Israel very, very badly.” 

He also said he would move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, “the eternal capital of the Jewish people.”

However, going back to February 27, 2016, only a month and a half ago, Michael F. Haverluck @OneNewsNow.com, wrote: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made it clear during Thursday night’s Texas GOP debate that he cannot “demean” Palestinians and take Israel’s side in its conflict with the Hamas-led government — if elected president. 

“Resurfacing Trump’s earlier position on the conflict, CNN’s moderator of the event, Wolf Blitzer, restated Trump’s own words. 

“Let me be sort of a neutral guy,” Trump expressed earlier when talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as quoted by Blitzer. “I don’t want to say whose fault it is. I don’t think it helps.” 

Adding some further doubt on his sincerity toward Israel, he drew boos last year from the Republican Jewish Coalition when he refused to take a stance on the U.S. embassy location there. 

Which means that, just like his overstated acclimation's about his questionable business acumen, he’s now becoming a typical politician. And, in both cases, the only true consistency is his adapting the facts to whatever the current occasion is, much liked his presumed rival, Bill Clinton’s wife.   

And now, here’s today's quote from Ronald Reagan, sent by a friend: “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' 

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, which again centers around Bill himself.  

FoxNews.com reports: “Former President Bill Clinton slammed what he called the "awful legacy of the last eight years" during a campaign appearance for his wife in Washington state Monday.  

Bill said, “"If you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us, and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her." 

In a double-whammy: “The remarks appeared to be a shot at President Barack Obama, in whose administration Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state and whose policies she has defended in her primary campaign against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.” 

Afterward a Clinton spokesman told USA Today that the former president was referring to Republicans in Congress with his "awful legacy" remark.  

The spokesman Angel Urena said: “After President Obama was elected, Republicans made it their number one goal to block him at every turn. That unprecedented obstruction these last eight years is their legacy, and the American people should reject it by electing Hillary Clinton to build on President Obama's success so we can all grow and succeed together."

Reader, Kitttenfish commented: “Well, Obama passed the ACA and the 2009 Stimulus, add to that the Executive Orders and you'll see Republicans didn't obstruct much.” 

But, although Kittenfish is correct, the situation goes far deeper than only that. In fact, the major reason that Trump is even alive in the presidential race is that Republican voters are fed up with their leadership doing absolutely nothing to block Obama’s continual implementation of virtually everything he wishes. Up to and including the nation’s losses in every aspect of foreign policy, employment, the economy, health care and international status. 

So, perhaps in Bill’s pointed verbiage, for whatever reason, snippets of truth are finally coming through. And he’s one who should truly know about how government effects the nation’s economics. Which is why he chose Republican Alan Greenspan to run the Fed for his own administration. And every single one of Chairman Greenspan’s actions were 180 degrees opposite Bill’s wife’s irrational theories, which would add enormously to the nation’s rapidly mounting $19 trillion in debt.

Thus, Bill may be having subliminal concerns for what’s really best for the nation at present, and perhaps his wife isn’t included in the answer, which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?    

That’s it for today folks.        


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