Thursday, March 10, 2016


Wayne Allyn Root, headed his column today: “Thank you, America, for playing 'Celebrity Apprentice' GOP edition” 

Mr. Root writes: “It all began with 17 contestants. Almost all of them celebrities in the world of politics. Only one had no chance to win --  according to the experts. He was thought of as a clown, politically incorrect, offensive, and had zero political experience at any level. Ninety-nine percent of the experts predicted he’d never even file his financials with the FEC.  

“Surprise. Meet the winner of "Celebrity Apprentice Special Political Edition": Donald J. Trump.” 

About Tuesday’s primary wins, Mr. Root says: “It wasn’t even close. Trump dominated.” And then Root goes on: “[H]e’s leading by a mile in the two remaining jewels needed to put this race away, Florida and Ohio.” 

From this performance, Mr. Root inquires: “How could the national media, political experts and commentators get it so wrong? The guy who never ran for office, let alone served in office, just beat out a mob of Washington insiders who’ve played the political game their entire lives.  

“It’s almost as if Trump was toying with the entire political process. It’s almost like it was a big game to him. It was almost as if he thought he was smarter than everyone else and he could play the game at a higher level. Almost.”
While certainly appreciating Mr. Roots conclusions, and considering Fox News constant support for their favorite, Trump, there’s only one small, nagging question regarding their rather obvious opinion that Trump will win the Republican presidential nomination.   

How come Trump averages 35% of the votes for all the primary’s held to date, while his opponents claim 65% for themselves, almost double? Which suggests that when the field narrows down to only two candidates left, Mr. Root may have to reconsider his favorable conclusions about the guy that’s a “clown, politically incorrect, offensive, and had zero political experience at any level.”

On another subject, this one not receiving anywhere near the attention it should, Rich Edson writes about current huge problems with the steadily failing Obamacare tax, as follows:

“The dozen failed ObamaCare cooperatives have not repaid any of the $1.2 billion in federal loans they received and still owe more than $1 billion in additional liabilities, according to recent financial statements cited Thursday at a congressional hearing. 

“We shouldn’t hold our breath on repayment,” Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said in his opening statement at the hearing. 

“In some states, these losses will be absorbed by other insurance companies—which means, by the policyholders of other insurance companies who have to pay increased … premiums,” he said. “In other states, doctors, hospitals and individual patients stand to suffer large out-of-pocket losses due to the co-op failures—as our report details.” 

An investigation by the committee’s majority staff disclosed that: “[T]he most recent balance sheets provided to the subcommittee show the failed cooperatives owe more than $700 million to doctors and hospitals for plan year 2015. 

“The failed cooperatives lost $376 million and exceeded the projected worst-case-scenario losses outlined in their loan applications by more than $260 million in 2014. They lost an additional billion dollars in 2015, according to the report. 

“Once the co-ops got going in 2014, things went south in a hurry—both in terms of financial losses and enrollment figures that wildly deviated from the co-ops’ own projections,” Portman said. “Despite getting regular reports that the co-ops were hemorrhaging cash, HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services] took essentially no corrective action for over a year.”   

So, once again, it’s quite doubtful that anyone on the planet could be happier than Jimmy Carter. Because, day by day, issue by issue, the current POTUS keeps sinking lower than Jimmy, who up till now was by far the worst President in U.S. history.

And then, a Facebook friend posted this this morning.

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife

Olaf Ekberg writes again about another very small Ohio turnout for Bill himself. When he was campaigning yesterday in Columbus, Ohio only a small number of people turned out to see him in a meeting room at the Ohio Education Association.

That led Mr. Ekberg to ask: “Could tiny crowds and weak enthusiasm spell another Midwest upset of Hillary Clinton?”

Along similar lines, Paul Bedard, writes: “Rev. Al Sharpton takes Hillary Rodham Clinton at her word that she won't be indicted over her email scandal, but said if she does he would hope that a well-known party unifier would step in to replace her.

“At a media roundtable hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, he said he feels confident that Clinton won't be indicted after her likely nomination in July, citing her firm denial at Wednesday night's Democratic debate.

“But if she was, he was asked for a "fresh candidate" who might be able to step in to unite the party and he immediately suggested Biden. 

"There's a very fresh face right around the corner in Joe Biden, is that fresh enough for you?" he said in the interview held just two blocks from the White House. He added that Biden is "fresh enough to me." 

While the Reverend could have replied that he was so certain that Bill’s wife would escape indictment he’d pass on the question. But  he didn’t. Instead he endorsed the Vice President. Which means that Sharpton, among many others, understand there’s a long way yet to go in the FBI investigation. 

Leading to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?  
That’s it for today folks.   

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